Maker Wizardry, LoRaWAN Decade Long Battery Life Sensors, The Cutest Hacking Tool Ever, and More!

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Hardware Pioneers 2022: Edge Impulse Show Us Just How Easy EdgeAI can Be
Jenny Plunkett takes us through how no-code AI can work on almost anything!

Hardware Pioneers 2022: Digi brings Connectivity to all Form Factors
We spoke with Digi Field Applications Engineer Joe Hill about their hardware range.

Hardware Pioneers 2022: u-blox Makes the IoT Easy
We chat with u-blox's Lee Stacey about the complete u-blox project

Announcing the Winners of the Eurocircuits PCB Design Contest
After three months of hard work, it's time to see who wins the cash prizes!

Machine Vision and Dual LDBC control with STM32
At Maker Faire Rome, we saw a custom implementation of STSPIN32G4 motor driver.

An Interview with Koja Kugler of the One Love Machine Band at Maker Faire Rome
The mind behind the clank and bang of the most metal robot band you'll ever see.

Brillo the Robot Bartender Chats and Pours
An impressive robotic bartender who'll read the room.

Maker Faire Rome 2022 Round Up - Part 2
Robot bands, New Arduino Kits, and Innovation at Maker Faire Rome 2022!

A DIY Sensing Glove that allows you to type without using a keyboard
While strolling around the Health area MakerFaire Rome, we met Michaela who showed us her remarkable DIY sensing glove

OHBOT - The robot helping children with autism to communicate
Biosphaera - a research company in Italy have been experimenting with the Ohbot Robot to see if they can help children with autism practice their communication skills

Formula DT is Changing Plastic Recycling for the Better
We stopped by the Re.P.E.T stand at Maker Faire Rome to find out more.

Melopero Launches Cookie RP2040 board at Maker Faire Rome 2022
We chatted with the Melopero team about their new Maker board released today!

Electromaker of the Month - August Winners
August may be a holiday to some, but our community has been busy busy busy!

Best Programming language: What Language Should You Learn?
Discover the best programming language for your next project

The PicoStepSeq Brings Retro Aesthetics to a 3D Printed MIDI Sequencer
The LED switches! The nostalgia! It's smart too.

Electromaker of the Month - July Winners
Let's look at the three projects our judges chose as winners this month!

Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Pico W C/C++ SDK
Learn how to make a dedicated VM for Pi Pico development.

Small Batch Artisan… Nixie Tube Watches?
These watches just got Kickstarted, and they are unique!