Maker Wizardry, LoRaWAN Decade Long Battery Life Sensors, The Cutest Hacking Tool Ever, and More!

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Build a LOTR-Inspired Weather Cloak with LEDs and ESP32
Learn to create a weather-predicting cloak using ESP32, LEDs, and APIs. A fun and creative project for cosplay and DIY enthusiasts.

Qoitech Solar Emulation Device for PV Cells Showcased at Electronica 2024
Qoitech solar emulation device provides precise PV cell testing, enhancing prototyping for solar-powered applications in controlled conditions.

An In-Depth Look At The Arduino Plug and Make Kit
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit offers an accessible entry into electronics and programming, with comprehensive components and detailed tutorials.

PPK 2 and Unihiker: Automate Your Power Profiling Projects
Combine PPK 2 with Unihiker for efficient power profiling. Learn to automate measurements and analyze power consumption in real-time.

Electromaker of the Month - May 2024 Winners
Meet this month's top Electromaker projects! Discover innovation, creativity, and tech mastery in our community's latest awe-inspiring creations!

Complete Guide to Air Quality Sensors
Everything you need to know about air quality sensors. We'll cover the different types of sensors available, as well as how they work and what they're used for.

Arduino-powered Active-tracking Solar Panel
Solar panels are more common these days, whether arranged in fields as collection arrays, on the roof of homes, or as part of your camping or festival gear to keep mobile devices topped up.

Don’t Get Caught Out By Rain with this Arduino-Powered, Water Detecting Umbrella!
We’ve all been there. You’re out and about, on a sunny day, when all of a sudden the clouds gather and it starts to rain. It’s not a light shower, either, but that apocalyptic type of rain storm that looks like all the rain in the world is going to fall before it stops.

A Raspberry Pi-Based NOAA Decoder That Tweets Satellite Photos!
Our experience of the weather is traditionally passive; we have little choice other than to accept what happens in the atmosphere above. It might rain; it might be windy; sunshine might be slight, or enough to convince you to go to the beach.

Raspberry Shake: A Pi-Powered Earthquake Detector
It’s always great to see a successful Kickstarter project, but let’s hope the Earth didn’t move too much for the Raspberry Shake team, whose earthquake detector is now available to purchase.