Open Source Flipper Zero, Thread, Matter, and Zigbee on ESP32, Arduino go Zephyr, and more!
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Efficiency Unveiled: Cutting-edge Energy Solutions with Texas Instruments - Embedded World 2024
Discover the future of energy with hybrid microinverters and efficient HVAC systems, redefining sustainability at Embedded World 2024.
Revolutionizing 3D Printing: The Rise of Affordable Pellet Extruders
Explore Greenboy3D's pellet extruder, a game-changer for 3D printing, offering cost savings and environmental benefits.
Monitor Home Energy with the Cost-Effective PiggyMeter
Discover how the PiggyMeter offers an easy, cost-effective way to monitor home energy usage in real-time.
Embedded World 2023: Sustainable Bug Detection with the Arduino Pro Nicla Vision
The showcased project at Embedded World 2023 uses Nicla Vision Plus and MKR 1310 boards to detect Popular Japonica bugs, reducing the use of harmful chemicals in crop protection.
Formula DT is Changing Plastic Recycling for the Better
We stopped by the Re.P.E.T stand at Maker Faire Rome to find out more.
Complete Guide to Air Quality Sensors
Everything you need to know about air quality sensors. We'll cover the different types of sensors available, as well as how they work and what they're used for.
Can a Raspberry Pi Help Protect Coral Reefs?
We’ve seen the Raspberry employed in countless unique ways since the little computer arrived, but did you ever imagine that it could help to save marine life?