From Blues StarNote to ZigBee: Connecting the Dots for IoT and Smart Homes

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How MicroBit V2 is Shaping the Future of Programming for Kids
Meet the MicroBit V2: Coding education superbly redefined with cool new features for budding learners and inventive makers. Spark creativity at Electromaker!

Micro:bit V2 Review - A Must-Have For Every Modern Classroom
Whether you're a teacher looking to integrate interactive learning in your classroom or a hobbyist eager to get started with coding , the Micro:bit V2 offers a world of possibilities.

Top 5 Development Tools - October 2021
Take a look at our top dev tool picks for October!

Electromaker Show Episode 31
Welcome to the Electromaker Show, episode 31! This week saw some neat Raspberry Pi Pico projects, the Tube map drawn on a BBC micro:bit, and an Inkplate 10 released. Check out these top maker, tech, DIY, IoT, embedded, and crowdfunding news stories from the week!

Electromaker Show Episode 18
Welcome to the Electromaker show, episode 18! This week saw a new BBC micro:bit announced, a Banana Pi AI-capable SBC, the DeskPi Pro Raspberry Pi case, and more!

New BBC micro:bit Announced
A new BBC micro:bit has been released! The BBC micro:bit v2 features an onboard MEMS microphone, speaker, and Nordic nRF52833 processor @ 64MHz with up to four-times the performance as its predecessor. Plus, it's still just $17 USD! Learn all about the new BBC micro:bit, from specs to what it can do and if you should buy one.

Monk Makes Electronics Starter Kit For micro:bit
We all started our electronics journey in very different ways. However, what is common to us all is that we all used some form of kit to hone our skills.

Kitronik : All-in-one Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit
There are lots of robot platforms on the market. Many cater for the beginner, and some cater for the advanced maker. But what about those of us in between? We want a board that will enable us to create sophisticated robots, but we also need a little help.

Gigglebot by Dexter Industries Review
Building robots has gotten easier in the past few years. We now have motor control boards, robot platforms and languages that now support every level of user wishing to build a robot.

8 Best DIY Halloween Projects for Makers
With October comes the usual slew of pumpkin-flavored coffee, popcorn, cereal, and virtually anything mildly food-related. What better way to celebrate than with a fun, seasonal maker project? Whether you're looking for a seasonal creation for adults, a family-friendly endeavor, or something in between, there's an option for you. Check out the best DIY Halloween projects for makers!

Review : Building a Cube with Cube:bit
LED cubes are great, but for those new to electronics (and seasoned experts) they can be really difficult to build and control … if only there were a more simple way to create them...

BBC micro:bit to Invade Canada!
First released in 2015, the BBC micro:bit is finally set to hit Canada, and inspire children and amateur enthusiasts just as it has in the UK and elsewhere.

Coding the BBC micro:bit with Edublocks
The BBC micro:bit is not short of programming languages. We can use blocks, Javascript, Micro Python and the legacy TouchDevelop, CodeKingdoms and Microsoft Blocks.

What Would YOU Do with a BBC micro:bit?
Launched in 2016, the BBC micro:bit is the 21st century successor to the BBC Micro desktop computer, a favourite across schools in the 1980s, and the inspiration for many careers in computing!