Domestic Central Heating Radiator Efficiency Optimiser

IoT device to log input and output temperatures of a radiator. The plan is to get a display of temperature differential. One of the radiator valves can then be adjusted to change the water flow until an optimum drop is achieved. That is about 20F or 12C according to the Web, but Analytics on the data can help determine ideal.

All In One Led Light

Built Smart LED light with auto ON/OFF, brightness control and night mode using Microchip AVR iot WG development Board with Open Weather Maps and local time

Avengers: Endgame Posters On Adafruit Pyportal

The Adafruit PyPortal IoT device is Python powered and used to display the Avengers Endgame character posters.

Pwm On Mikrobus Header Of Avr Iot Wg

Atmel Start only support PWM functionality for ERR (Red), DATA (Yellow) and CONN (green) of AVR iot WG board. Here we will learn to configure TCA timer in split mode to enable PWM on mikroBUS header of this board.

Build Your Own Chaosminer!

The Chaos Miner is a raspberry pi powered radio receiver that converts the entropy of the universe into use-able random numbers for the ChaosCasino! The ChaosMiner earns .5 NotioCoin for its owner when a random number is generated! The ChaosCasino is a blockchain powered Casino dApp operated by DecentraCorp.

Easy Ina219 Interfacing With Avr Iot Wg

The INA219B breakout board can measure both the high side voltage and DC current draw over I2C with 1% precision and help in solving the power-monitoring problems.


Choose the right plant for you, using Pick-A-Plant. This IoT device will help you find the best match for every location, using Microchip's AVR-IoT WG Development Board.

Youtube Subscriber Counter - Solderless, 3d Printable, Cheap

I've always wanted a YouTube counter for my channel but they often cost more than I wanted to pay and required a YouTube API key. This design is buildable for under £15/$18, does not need an API key and sits on top of a monitor, stands on a surface or can wall mounted.


Design and implement a system to request data to a device via TCPIP using AVR-IoT WG developmentr board from Microchip

C51 4 Bits Electronic Clock - Wooden Clock

Had some spare time this weekend so went ahead and assembled this AU$2.40 4-Bits DIY Electronic Digital Clock which I bought from AliExpress a while ago.

Smart Mirror ( A Server For Iot Devices)

IOT plays an important role in upcoming years. So why your home should be an ordinary house , lets make it most advanced smart home with all features builtin. It is basically an server for integrating all smart home appliances to work with each other from providing security till integrety.

Blockl@rduino Aio 'all In One'

Drag'n'drop graphical programming portable software for Windows + uploading + supervision.

Bitcoin Tracker Using A Raspberry Pi

The Bitcoin Tracker can display information such as Price, Bitcoins in circulation, No. of Bitcoins left to mine, Hash Rate, etc

Iot Cloud Access With Micro:bit Over Ble For Remote Sensing

Program BBC Micro:bit with mbed OS and remotely send data to cloud by utilizing BLE to smartphone/PC IoT cloud gateway.

Plugin Blockly@rduino For Arduino Ide

Integrate Blockly@rduino in IDE like a tool, compile and upload through Arduino IDE, totally graphic way.

Blockly@rduino: Create Code With Blocks

Based on Blockly and BlocklyDuino, here's a multilingual enhanced version with supervision, upload, multi-level blocks, etc.


Automated aquarium monitor with Web GUI. daisychain units can control multiple tank all from the one master unit. PI/Arduino/ESP Powered

Gas, Carbon Monoxide, Motion And Water Detection

Detect gas, carbon monoxide, motion and water leaks with this multipurpose project.