E-Paper Displays for Raspberry Pi  (2022 Guide)

E-Paper Displays for Raspberry Pi (2022 Guide)

Are you interested in using an e-paper display for your next Raspberry Pi project? There is no shortage of creativity in the Raspberry Pi developer community.
Seven Singularly Spooktacular Maker Tools to Spice up Your DIY Halloween

Seven Singularly Spooktacular Maker Tools to Spice up Your DIY Halloween

Are you looking for the perfect Halloween DIY project or trick or treating costume? Here are some products and ideas for the spookiest of days!
RasPad 3.0 Video Unboxing and Review

RasPad 3.0 Video Unboxing and Review

The RasPad 3 is a case for the Raspberry Pi 4 that turns it into a functional tablet. It's a compelling idea, but how practical is it to use?
Raspberry Pi Zero Night Vision Goggles

Raspberry Pi Zero Night Vision Goggles

Want to see what’s going on late at night, but don’t want to turn on a light, or use a torch? As you probably don’t have the budget for special forces hardware, the best solution is a camera with the infrared filter removed.
Review : Building a Cube with Cube:bit

Review : Building a Cube with Cube:bit

LED cubes are great, but for those new to electronics (and seasoned experts) they can be really difficult to build and control … if only there were a more simple way to create them...
Pimp Your Projects with a HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi

Pimp Your Projects with a HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi

Looking for a sharp, colorful, and crisp display for your Raspberry Pi projects? Whether you’re building a handheld retro gaming system, a portable Kodi media device, or something altogether different, if a display is required, then the HyperPixel 4.0 from Pimoroni could be ideal.
Awesome Star Wars LED Backlit Movie Poster with Arduino and Neopixels

Awesome Star Wars LED Backlit Movie Poster with Arduino and Neopixels

Perhaps some sort of frame is the answer for your movie (or TV show, or pop group) posters ... and if it is, why stop with a bit of wood and perspex? Why not add a backlight, just like a poster found outside a cinema?
Astonishing Google NSynth Device Built on Raspberry Pi

Astonishing Google NSynth Device Built on Raspberry Pi

Looking for a totally new sound? You may have just found it. A couple of Google projects have collaborated to produce the NSynth Super, a Raspberry Pi-powered device that uses what has been coined “neural audio synthesis” to analyse the sonic characteristics of source inputs to create entirely new musical voices.
Make Your Own Portable Pocket Sized Pi Zero-Powered Projector

Make Your Own Portable Pocket Sized Pi Zero-Powered Projector

Owning a pocket projector seems like a great option for ad hoc presentations (or an easy way to watch movies when you’re camping) but can it be done with a Raspberry Pi?
A Raspberry Pi and Arduino-Powered Dart Board Digital Scoring Display

A Raspberry Pi and Arduino-Powered Dart Board Digital Scoring Display

We’re not saying that you’re the next Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor, but there’s a good chance you like a game of darts. Hasn’t the lack of a decent digital display proved a problem, in a world of oft-disappearing chunks of chalk?

Tell the Time with this Arduino Powered Laser Clock!

This build is so clever, it should have a degree. Utilizing ultraviolet LEDs and a glow in the dark surface, this “laser clock” (the use of laser is a bit vague, but it looks amazing, regardless) is constructed from 3D printed parts and has an Arduino inside it. Developed by YouTuber Tucker Shannon, the effect here is so stunning that we just had to take a closer look at it.
Amazing GUI Environment for Arduino!

Amazing GUI Environment for Arduino!

Using an Arduino is straightforward. You hook it up to your PC via USB, install the IDE software, and create programs. These are uploaded to your Arduino and used until the program is updated.
RasPad Lets You Take Your Pi Anywhere

RasPad Lets You Take Your Pi Anywhere

One of the most frustrating things about the Raspberry Pi is its lack of portability. Unless you have a display for the device, and a battery, you’re usually going to have to leave it at home.
Raspberry Pi-Powered Translation Glasses

Raspberry Pi-Powered Translation Glasses

It seems only yesterday that the entire tech world was obsessed by Google Glass. It had everything: accessibility implications, privacy concerns, and portable communications.
OpenAuto Turns Your Raspberry Pi into a Carputer

OpenAuto Turns Your Raspberry Pi into a Carputer

Want to install a Raspberry Pi into your car and use it to access satnav, in-car entertainment, and more? It’s possible! Since its release, the Raspberry Pi has been at the heart of many carputer projects, so what makes OpenAuto different?
Track the ISS with a Raspberry Pi!

Track the ISS with a Raspberry Pi!

Since the first module was launched in 1998, the location of the International Space Station (ISS) continues to fascinate. Stepping outside on an evening to watch its movement across the night sky imbues a sense of pride in humankind’s achievements ... but it’s not always possible to see the structure.

Amazing Raspberry Pi-Powered LED Cube!

It isn’t every day that something comes along and totally blows us away, but this LED cube, complete with a gyro-based fluid “simulation” certainly does.
Creating digital signage using Screenly and Raspberry Pi

Creating digital signage using Screenly and Raspberry Pi

Digital signage is everywhere. From your local school to Leicester Square, London there are adverts and information radiating to onlookers. How can we make our digital signage for an event? Well using any model of Raspberry Pi a spare monitor, Internet connection and most importantly software called Screenly we can make our very own digital signage system.