Open Source Flipper Zero, Thread, Matter, and Zigbee on ESP32, Arduino go Zephyr, and more!
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Your Next ESP32 Might Not Have Connectivity
And you almost certainly won't miss it.
Old School Pong From Scratch in 2023
Dave Plumber, also known as Dave's Garage on YouTube shares his amazing build
Raspberry Pi Pico: Comprehensive Review & Analysis
Everything you need to know about the Raspberry Pi Pico!
Will you be an Electromaker of the Month Prize Winner in 2023?
Cash prizes, amazing hardware, cool swag, all for just posting your project to Electromaker!
Nordic Semiconductor releases the nRF7002 Wi-Fi 6 Development Kit
It's the low-power connected goodness you already know Nordic do, but now even moreso!
Single Core RISC-V ESP32 C6 brings WiFi 6 and Matter to the Party
Provided that's a DIY IoT party you are having there. We certainly are.
Self-Soldering PCBs Reflow Themselves
But they can't fix your routing errors, unfortunately.
3D Printing a Giant Lego Golf Kart Turns Out to be Difficult
Ivan Miranda's ongoing quest to 3D print the largest things continues!
Electromaker of the Month - December Winners
Let's find out what the Electromaker Community got up to in Novemver!
How to create an electronics workshop for less than $100
Learn about all the essentials you need to get started with your first maker space!
Mele Quieter2Q Is a Fanless Mini-Pc That Lives up to Its Name
In that, it really is quiet, and it really is mini
Would You Let Strangers Control Your Christmas Tree?
LCD screen baubles! Addressable LEDs! OllieQ has done something amazing with this web-controlled Xmas tree.
The 10 Best Gifts for Makers in 2022
Find the perfect gift for the Maker in your life!
Maker Board Spotlight: nRF21540 Development Bundle
The nRF21540 DB kit combines two other evaluation products made by Nordic, the nRF21540 DK and the nRF21540 EK.
Electronica 2022: The Jetson AGX Orin in the Wild!
We spotted a demo of Nvidia's powerhouse on the OKdo stand.
Electronica 2022: Non-Invasive Medical Monitoring with Analog Devices
The Analog Devices stand was full to the brim with amazing demos, but two caught our eye!
Build your own web-based multimeter using a Pi Pico
Did you know you can use the Raspberry Pi Pico W as a wireless multimeter?
Hardware Pioneers 2022: Secure and low bandwidth EdgeAI with OctaiPipe
Dr Eric Topham, CEO and Data Science director at teaches us about Federated Learning