
A device that can measure environmental conditions and relay to the user; in glasses form.

Feeding Cat Remotely Using Smartphone

Do you wanna feed your pet when you are not at home? I have made a feeding machine that can be controlled on a browser using your smartphone.

Scotttv- A Simple Mediaplayer For My Autistic Son

Hi, I needed a simple media player that my son can understand. I could not find a commercial solution, so I built one based on a raspberry

The Hydromazing Smart Garden System

The hydroMazing system manages your growing environment by making localized data-driven decisions so that you don't have to worry.

Home Monitoring With Wireless Sensor Nodes

Monitor your home using this powerful tutorial. Only two components needed: a Raspberry Pi and a Sparrow Sensor Node Kit.

Crop Growth Monitor

The project using a HC -SR04 Distance sensor will show you how to monitor crop growth on your allotment or Vegetable patch.

Pidp-8: A Pdp-8 Minicomputer On Raspberry Pi

Everyone wanted a PDP-8 minicomputer. Well, in 1968. Blinkenlights! Just boot the SD image on a Pi, maybe add the front panel later on.

Raspberry Pi - Preparing The Sd Card - Install The Os

Preparing The SD Card for Raspberry PI OS.

Horus: The Weather Station

A Raspberry Pi-based weather station that measures temperature, humidity and pressure using the Astro Pi Sense HAT and uploads the data.

Windows 98 Wrist watch

Everyone's favourite Operating System. On your wrist!

Smart Mirror (with Optional Alexa)

A low cost and easy to build smart mirror with off the shelf parts.

Fire Equipment Management

Firefighters must manage their equipment out in the field. Paper gets lost, and WIFI is rare. Simply transmit tracking info via cellular.

Connect Jetbrains Pycharm To Raspberry Pi

Let's be honest, this is the 21st century. We use IDEs for almost everything. I'll explain how to hook PyCharm up to the Raspberry Pi.

World's Smartest Home - Blockchain Chores & Kids Crypto

Jarvis Farley is a home automation system I created to manage our kid's chores and allowance using blockchain. It also does 99 other things.

Raspberry Pi Zero + Repetier Server

Pi Zero is crazy tiny and it works well for low-er use CPU programs like the Repetier-Server.

Artificial Life Project

Using a Raspberry Pi with a Unicorn HAT in an attempt to make an artificial life experiment.

Transfer Data Between Windows, Mac And Raspberry Pi

How to transfer data between Windows, Mac and Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Scheduling A Shutdown Or Reboot

Makes a time schedule to restart or shutdown your Pi.