Easy Ina219 Interfacing With Avr Iot Wg

The INA219B breakout board can measure both the high side voltage and DC current draw over I2C with 1% precision and help in solving the power-monitoring problems.

Acoustic Levitation

We built another levitation machine with 72 ultrasonic transducers. We want to show that robotics and science can be really cool!

Autonomous Rover - Google Vision Aiy Kit On Wheels

Hack an Arduino toy car and turn it into autonomous rover searching for (and chasing) the human faces with Google Vision AIY Kit.

Blockl@rduino Aio 'all In One'

Drag'n'drop graphical programming portable software for Windows + uploading + supervision.

Control Arduino Robot Arms And Legs With Your Body Movement

We used two Arduino base scales to control robot legs, two T-Skins to control arms, and a RPi. We made a special version of T-Skin:Fight!

Plugin Blockly@rduino For Arduino Ide

Integrate Blockly@rduino in IDE like a tool, compile and upload through Arduino IDE, totally graphic way.

Blockly@rduino: Create Code With Blocks

Based on Blockly and BlocklyDuino, here's a multilingual enhanced version with supervision, upload, multi-level blocks, etc.

Getting Started With The Smartcar Platform

A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.

Youtube Desktop Notifier

I have made this "YouTube Desktop Notifier" to keep me up-to-date with my channels Subscriber and View Counts.

Pcf8574 Gpio Extender - With Arduino And Nodemcu

In this tutorial, I am going to talk about the PCF8574 8-bit GPIO Port Extender. It is one of the many GPIO extenders available in the market.

The Scorpion | Star Trek Inspired robotics

An Elegoo Robot Car Kit V3 with some additional Raspberry Pi tech and TensorFlow image recognition.

Arduino Robot Arm Follow Your Movement

We wanted to use The Tactigon ONE and T-Skin to move a robotic arm and have it follow our movements, like a shadow

The Plotti Botti: An Internet Controlled Drawing Robot!

The Plotti Botti is an XY plotter attached to a whiteboard, which can be controlled by anyone via LetsRobot. tv.

Alexa Curtain Control System - 3d Printable And Low Cost

I decided to remove the chore of opening and closing curtains. This means running into every room in the house 730 fewer times a year! (Not to mention it's super cool). Once setup you can also add routines in Alexa to have your curtains work in tandem with other devices in your house.

Jake The Junkbot

A DIY robot made out of junk laying around the house.

Arduino Powered Humanoid Robot: Arms Control!

We made few upgrades to our previus project. Now, we can move the robot arms using two T-Skin.

Nox - A House Wandering Robot (ros)

Nox is a nice (and time-consuming) robot which uses SLAM (ROS) with a Kinect to navigate in its environment.

Iot Hulk (visualize Your Devices)

Visualize your device readings easily and for absolutely free.