Clisensio - Climate Sensing And Insect Infestation Control

SensiML Sensing and Control device to protect farmlands from future insects outbreaks and vector-borne diseases due to climate change.

Coronavirus - India cases tracker

Using web integrations to keep a track on coronavirus cases in India.

Multifunctional rc transmitter using arduino

Lets build a NRF transmitter using arduino

Seeeduino Xiao Expansion Board Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

In this Tutorial we are going to explore how to measure a distance using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and Ultrasonic Range sensor.

Arduino Wireless Weather Station Using Nrf24l01, Dht11-dht22

Build a wireless weather station using two NRF24L01 modules that will Display both Indoor and Outdoor Temperature & Humidity.


Open-source Spirometry for ALL.

Iron Man Walkie-talkie (two-way Radio) For Texting W/ Lora

Via RYLR998 LoRa module and Arduino Nano, create a two-way radio (transceiver) w/ a 4x4 keypad to transmit and receive text messages.

The B&nd

Monitoring your vitality on the go with BLE5.0, AI & a bunch of cool sensors..

Project Eel

Monitoring river water quality based on open-design multi-parameter sonde, built along with QuickFeather and SensiML service.

Arec - Agricultural Records On Electronic Contracts

Secure, robust, tinyML based delivery of agricultural products to its valid consumers is the most important step for our AREC.

How To Make Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car With Radar

In this tutorial we are going to make an Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car with Radar using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor &servo motor.


AI-powered autonomous checkout system for retail stores.

Soil Moisture Data Retrieval Application Using Tuya Link Sdk

Soil Moisture Data Retrieval system using Tuya Link SDK, Tuya Smart Android App, ESP32, Moisture Sensor, Python and Arduino IDE in.csv format

Arduino Christmas Tree Lights

Learn how to randomly change the LED color and ramp the brightness

Make Wi-Fi Controller Car Using Esp8266

We are going to talk about how to Make Internet or Wi-Fi Controller Car Using Esp8266. this can be easily controlled by your smartphone.

Soil Moisture Monitoring System With Esp32 And Toit

IoT enabled Soil Moisture monitoring system with ESP32, Soil Moisture Sensor, SSD1306 OLED display and Toit.

Tuya Link Sdk Iot Smart Environment Sensing And Humidifier

Within less than 15 minutes build smart Raspberry Pi based Smart Home Environment Sensing and Humidification device

Make Diy Homework Writing Machine At Home

Drawing Robot/Pen Plotter/Drawing Machine is an Open Hardware version of the famous machine AxiDraw which it is a pen plotter, capable of wr