Maker, active learner, CEO & Founder of steptostem.com

Arduino, C++, Go, Python, AI/ML, Raspberry Pi
17 Projects
Predictive Maintenance Of Compressor Water Pumps
Unlock Passwords With Tinyml-based Digit Recognition
Recognizing Mnist-based Handwritten Digits On M5stack Core2
Handmade Drawing Recognition Interface As From My Smartphone

New Era Farming with TensorFlow on Lowest Power Consumption

Clisensio - Climate Sensing And Insect Infestation Control

Coronavirus - India cases tracker
Tinyml Gearbox Fault Prediction On A $4 Mcu
Ai For truck Aps Failure Detection on a $4 Mcu

Arec - Agricultural Records On Electronic Contracts

Tuya Mqtt With Esp32

The Holidays Traveller

Tuya Link Sdk Iot Smart Environment Sensing And Humidifier
Tuya Iot Cloud Smart Weather Lamp

Hack Your Own Smart Gadgets Using Tuya Cloud Platform

Aquamon - Aquaponics And Fish Tank Monitoring With Tuya Iot