4 Steps To Deploy An Openvino Model To Openncc

Take advantage of Intel OpenVINO Model Zoo's 100+ pre-trained free open-source AI models to make your own AI camera.

Openncc We

Edge AI IoT camera with POE and WiFi

Raspberrypi Based Edge-ai Vehicle License Plate Recognition

See the vehicle license plate recognition application as an example to see how the two-stage model worked out on OpenNCC.

Openncc Nighthawk

An IR LED night vision & face privacy protection ai-on-camera project

Raspad3 Running Lineageos

Mobile Raspberry Pi 4 Tablet running an Android interface with Google Play Apps complete with 10 inch touchscreen, WiFi and ethernet port, USB 3.0 ports, built in battery and speakers.

D U T Control Harness - D U T C Hess

With the pandemic forcing us to work in new ways, it is now more important than ever to work smart. Using the RT1020 EVK we can create a DUT Control Harness which can be used to control the power supply of a DUT in a lab, and connect via serial and Ethernet to enable remote access from home.


A program that grabs data from your favourite Python APIs and displays it in a nealy formatted image. Perfect for infoboards or home dashboards.


We are three students of the EIT master of Autonomous systems, with experience in different backgrounds and a great desire to learn.

Rob_inp_les Semi-croustillants

Une carte de puissance est ajoutée pour optimiser la répartition des ressources du véhicule. Un laser monté sur un support imprimé en 3D sera utilisé pour le challenge d'évitement d'obstacle.

Spacex Launch Tracker On A Raspberry Pi

A project which tracks SpaceX launches and displays them on a cheap tri-color E-paper using Python and the Pillow Library.


A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for add-on baords (Like Ardinuo Shield).

Mutantc V4 - Diy Handheld For Your Professional Works

A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display,Expansion header for add-on boards and NuroLink port to connect accessories.

Atche (attention Checker)

A device to check attention and notify after 25 mins to take rest. Also, notifies when one uses smartphone in the middle of the concentration period.

Tracking Neighborhood Power Usage From The Sky

Ever wonder how the power company reads your meter without walking door-to-door? What if I told you that you can read your power meter, and your neighbors', to see how you compare?

Giant Board For Smart Iot Gateway In Drying System

Smart IoT Gateway could be used to collect the environmental condition in the drying system for an agricultural use cases.

Average Speed Head-up Display Unit - Giantboard

GPS to HUD for in-car use. To make sure a road's average speed cameras do not send you a letter in the post!

Wireless Linux Data Logger

A linux based data logger over SSH Wireless made with Giant Board

Simple 2fa Access System

We will build an access system that doesn't need any external devices( you can use an 13.56 Mhz RFID tag if you want), and that uses a private-public key system so password stealing is much harder, thus making your application more secure.