Iot Bit (formally Pianywhere V1.31 4g & Lte For Raspberry Pi

IOT BIT 4G & LTE Hat for the Raspberry Pi 4G (100 mbps down/ 50 mbps up) - Ultra fast internet connectivity for your raspberry pi, excellent for large downloads and video streaming.

Persistence Of Vision Star Wars Lightsaber!

This project shows how to build a persistence of vision lightsaber using the ESP32, neopixels and a gyro.

Building A Magnetic Alarm System For The Giant Gecko Series

A magnetic alarm system uses a Hall Effect magnetic sensor and a supporting magnet attached to the door frame to determine if the door is opened or closed.

Voice Recognition Project Using Temperature /humidity Sensor

This project is a program that implements voice recognition for the Giant Gecko 11 (GG11) using the starter kit’s temperature and humidity sensor and the Wizard Gecko Module.

Efm32 Voice Recognition Project Using Giant Gecko's Leds

This project is a program that implements voice recognition for the GG11 using the starter kit’s onboard LEDs.

Taking The Raspberry Pi Inky Phat To The Next Level

Combine a Raspberry Pi Zero W, Pimoroni Inky pHat and Buton Shim to create a cool small portable, wearable, low power computer with e-paper display.

Led Controlled By 3d Gesture Sensor

I tried controlling the display of flexible LED matrix with 3D gesture sensor. By H0meMadeGarbage

E-paper Picture Frame By Gyro

I decided to make a digital picture frame with an E-ink display. The great thing about these displays is that they don't need any power to retain an image. You only need to power it in order to change the screen.

“mobile Video-phone Door Bell” For Home Automation

Provides property-owner video-phone call reception via app on mobile wherever he is. Totally wireless, with10-years battery autonomy,may be applied to any property even where there is no national grid and enables, by pressing of a single button, communication, via sw in the cloud, with the owner.Provides recording/playback store

Smart Mailbox

Come forward to meet the speaking MailBox

Home Theater Pc Ambient Light System With Udoo X86

This detailed tutorial will show you how easily is to create a smart home theater PC ambient light system with UDOO X86.

Neopixel Clock

NeoPixel Clock uses lights to display the time in colors like an analog clock.

Vanity: The Automatic Selfie Stick

I was asked to put together a vanity project that expresses how much people can be engulfed by social media and the automatic. This selfie stick targets faces and tracks them to periodically take snapshots. Portable power and RealVNC for a totally wireless set up.

Make A Portable Flappy Bird Game From Scratch!

This is a really quick version of the Flappy Bird Game. Press the button to 'flap' and go up in the air against gravity, and try and avoid the obstacles!

The Internet Speed-o-meter

A physical display to show how much of your Internet connection is being used.

Using Arduino Yun To Detect Intruders

In this project I am trying to use amazon SQS and IOT services with temboo and arduino YUN to detect intruders.

Power Your Coffee Maker With Netduino

Control your coffee maker remotely! Create a connected coffee maker using household electricity with .NET, Netduino, and Xamarin.

Playing I2s Audio On The Omega2

Now, you can listen to your favorite local and internet tunes using your Omega2!