Blockly@rduino: Create Code With Blocks

Based on Blockly and BlocklyDuino, here's a multilingual enhanced version with supervision, upload, multi-level blocks, etc.


Automated aquarium monitor with Web GUI. daisychain units can control multiple tank all from the one master unit. PI/Arduino/ESP Powered

Getting Started With The Smartcar Platform

A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.

Youtube Desktop Notifier

I have made this "YouTube Desktop Notifier" to keep me up-to-date with my channels Subscriber and View Counts.

Arduino Bluetooth Basic Tutorial

Ever thought of controlling any electronic devices with your smart phone? Today I will show how to do it. using arduino and bluetooth module

Pcf8574 Gpio Extender - With Arduino And Nodemcu

In this tutorial, I am going to talk about the PCF8574 8-bit GPIO Port Extender. It is one of the many GPIO extenders available in the market.

Arduino Based Coin Sorting And Counting Machine

This Arduino powered machine separates coins of different dominations and then tallies up their total value. This is shown on an 8 digit 7 segment display. It is a coin sorter / coin counter machine! Reflected infrared sensors (TCRT5000s) are used to detect the coins.

Randomrex - The Tweeting Picture Frame

A tweeting picture frame made by Rex, the floofiest member of 8 Bits and a Byte

5v Relay Module Mod To Work With Raspberry Pi

A Simple mod to make 5V relay boards work on 3.3V

Holiday Light Show With Raspberry Pi

Be the house in the neighborhood that puts on the light show! Blink your decorative lights to the beat of music and play it on the radio.

South Park's Buddha Box

A real, working version of South Park's Buddha Box.

Pocket Pi

Attempt to make a Pocket Pi made with parts I had laying around.

Holiday Song Player With Coordinated Leds

Light up some LED's to the tunes of the holidays

Musical Lights: Enhance Your Holidays With Raspberry Pi!

Create something new for the holidays or anytime with light strands, some music, and your own imagination. This project will provide instructions for building your own accent lights for your backyard, the holidays, or any time you want to express yourself.

Aiy Potato

A potato companion to ask all your questions!

Holo Cube

A holographic cube that can display an object and be able to rotate it using hand gestures.

Build Your Own Memory Game With Netduino

Learn how to build a memory game with an OLED display and a 4x4 push button keypad using Netduino.Foundation and DisplayGraphics Library.

Exhibit: The Primal Display

This very simple protip connects an LCD to a Raspberry Pi to display any data you need, like readings from a temperature sensor.