Running Faucet Alarm

Detect running faucet using low powered i.MXRT1010 Development board and Edge Impulse Studio

Remote Patient Monitoring

An IoT device for remotely monitoring important health parameters of a patient.

Reinforcement Learning Based Illumination Controller

This project envisages a reinforcement learning based automatic home illumination system. The system shall learn and adapt to the preferred illumination settings from immediate ambient conditions. The system shall also perpetually, keep learning and optimizing itself based upon the accuracy of its control predictions.

Smart Seedling Grow Tray

An easy to build Seedling Grow System with some brain and remotely management features. It is designed to enable everyone especially children to grow seeds at home without getting worried about over or under watering them. Or are the temperature and humidity friendly for the chosen seeds or not?

Mini Drum Pad With Imxrt

This is simple Drum Pad built with Cap-sense touch and IMX-RT.

Digital Back

The main issue this project will try to address is to improve our sitting habits. The Idea behind the project is to equip the back of your chair with a number of range sensors and measure your sitting position. A user will be notified by a small vibration motor about invalid sitting postion.

Smart Hypothermia Sensor And Body Warmer

Each year there are many casualties in high altitude rescue caused due to hypothermia. To solve this problem, I want to develop a wearable device for hypothermia detection and body warmer.


The IMX_MULTIPROTOCOL is an embedded software solutions that allows you to transfer data from USB to all the main digital interfaces - UART, I2C and SPI.This project will help you to analyze and debug all the main digital and analog IC’s as well as lot of IOT and RF demoboard.

Robomapper. Part 0, 1, 2.

I design an OpenSource/OpenHardware robot for indoor investigation.

Jamstack – Portable Music Synthesizer

JAMSTACK is an expressive digital music synthesizer and groove box. Sit down and dive deep into the wonderful world of sounds.

Bat Detector

Down-convert ultrasonics from MEMS microphone using heterodyne/Hilbert/CIC decimation ( no idea which yet!) down to audio frequencies say 0-5kHz. Not only pick up bats but listen to keys being dropped on glass tables and amuse your friends with 3-D printed dog-whistles!

D U T Control Harness - D U T C Hess

With the pandemic forcing us to work in new ways, it is now more important than ever to work smart. Using the RT1020 EVK we can create a DUT Control Harness which can be used to control the power supply of a DUT in a lab, and connect via serial and Ethernet to enable remote access from home.

J.a.r.v.i.s: Led's Can Hear You.

The goal of the project is to create an intelligent system that recognizes and reacts to twelve keywords such as ON, OFF, etc. These keywords are transmitted from one device to another device over a CANopen network, where LED's respond to these keywords.

Voice-controlled Lock

i.MX RT 1060 detecting numbers from speech

Air Quality And Weather Tracker Based On Bme680.

Using an the BME680 sensor it is possible to measure variables from the environment like temperature, air pressure, humidity and some gases to obtain the surrounding air quality.