Interactive Christmas Tree

A Christmas Tree that users can control the lights over the internet. It also has ornaments that can have pixel art drawn on in an r/place style.

Pcb Binary Watch

A PCB wristwatch that shows time in BCD binary form and the watch takes power from a coin cell battery. The watch is based on ATmega328P microcontroller and DS3231M RTC.


Generate funky images based on fractals, then enhance them using DALL-E 2. Inspired by the band Tool & Alex Grey artwork.

Making An Epic, Interactive Kids' Wall

When the room itself isn't particularly big, why not make the walls into play things?

Diy Interactive New Year Tree Light Show 🎄

Build your own mini interactive led Tree!

Ic 555-based Pcb Snowflake

Winter is here, and the most interesting thing in winter is Christmas. As a PCB designer, I build a blinking PCB snowflake

Led Clothes Controlled By Emg Muscle Sensor!

A spontaneous project that brought together technologies from different fields - smart textiles and wearable sensors. I wanted to try to expand the ability to control LEDs - not only switching programmed patterns but also affecting them directly, using only my hands!

Weather Lamp

Weather Lamp A IoT based 3D Printed Weather Simulating Lamp

The Smallest Tux Badge That Runs Linux

Linux is used almost everywhere. This tux badge is not only the size of a pin but can also run Linux.

Vaporwave Rgb Led (improved)

A circuit where the color of an RGB LED transitions from pink to purple in a loop

Guitar Shaped Audio Pcb Amplifier

I decided to build one and I wanted my amplifier to be much more unique than the existing models. So I made a guitar-shaped amplifier PCB.

Esp32 Burninator

This project was an excuse to use tiny stepper motors that I found on aliexpress. I've always been fascinated with cnc machines and burning lasers. Something so small cannot cut metal but can burn paper.

Homemade Video Game Console Powered By Arduino

Youtube Video:

Weatherbot - A Motorised Weather Machine

A WiFi connected weather forecasting machine. Shows a hyperlocal weather mechanically on a mini diorama & e-ink display for detailed outlook

Ml Art Frame

An art frame that generates neural style transfer artwork and displays it to a 7 colour inky HAT

Cheshire Cat Apartment Building - Halloween Light Show

I turned my apartment building into a GIANT CHESHIRE CAT for Halloween, with an animated light show timed to music, all with Free and Open Source Software, and equipment I already owned!

Geoleaf - 3d Printable Geometric Lights With Alexa & Hue

Customisable low cost & 3D printable smart geometric light panels which connect to Hue and Alexa to brighten and personalise a space.

How To Build A Pico Macro Pad

hey, friends In this tutorial, I am going to show you How to Build a Macro Pad using Raspberry pi pico