Maker Wizardry, LoRaWAN Decade Long Battery Life Sensors, The Cutest Hacking Tool Ever, and More!

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Electromaker Interview: Alasdair Allan - Head of Documentation at Raspberry Pi
We talk about all things Pi, Astro-physics, and narrative in documentation.

The MidJourney Beta is Mind-bending Text-to-AI-Art
Join the MidJourney Discord - but prepare to lose an afternoon!

An interview with Dirk Stans at Embedded World 2022
Enter the Eurocircuits PCB contest and win $1000!

Liquid Sensors Buying Guide: 2022
Do you need to text liquid for your next project? Discover our top liquid sensors in 2022!

The Neuton Maker Day is Now Available to View
Watch the entire event or each speaker individually.

Electromaker of the Month - June Winners Announced!
Another month has passed, so let's see what the Electromaker Community has been building!

Sound Sensors Buying Guide: 2022
Discover the features, specifications, and applications our top sound sensors!

Nvidia's AGX Jetson Orin Is an AI Powerhouse
We saw Nvidia's latest SBC in action at Embedded Wolrd 2022

Analog Devices Brings tinyML Machine Vision to Embedded World 2022
We stopped by to talk to Andrew and Ole about the projects on show.

TinyGo brings Golang to Microcontrollers!
We spoke with deadprogram of the TinyGo Project at Embedded World 2022.

Silicon Labs show new Bluetooth Tracking and Machine Vision systems at EW22
Both demos show off impressive new additions to the EFR32 MCU line!

GrAI Matter Labs VIP Is a Very Important Processor
We chatted with Christian from GrAI Matter labs at Embedded World 2022!

Mouser’s Mini Smart Home Is Full of Big Ideas
At Embedded World 2022, Mouser staff walked us through their smart home model.

Air Quality Sensors Buying Guide: 2022
Find out our top 5 air quality sensors to integrate into your IoT project.

Electromaker of the Month - May Winners Announced!
May was a great month for our community - here are three projects that stood out!

DFRobot Gravity Sensors Buying Guide: 2022
DFRobot Gravity Series is claimed to be the "world’s first" in using color-coded pin headers. Learn everything you need to know to get started using them!

Announcing the Winners of the The Make it Smart with Nordic Thingy:91 Contest
After 5 months of planning and building, find out what the top prize winners of the Make It Smart contest built.

Handy Geng’s Phone Charger Case Is Far From Useless
Dubbed "China's Useless Edison," this build is impressive!