Setup Of Iot Bit On Your Mini Computers With Ubuntu Mate

Our intelligent HAT module provides your Raspberry Pi with mobile data, GPS positioning information and battery support. This is the perfect module for hackers, scientists, and creators as it gives your Pi powerful connectivity wherever you are.

Pixel Blast

Pixel Blast is an interactive installation made up of nine ‘Persistence of Vision’ displays which create hologram-like imagery.

Persistence Of Vision Star Wars Lightsaber!

This project shows how to build a persistence of vision lightsaber using the ESP32, neopixels and a gyro.

Diy - Automatic Garage Light

In this tutorial, I am going to turn on and off the garage light using a PIR sensor and LDR.

Arduino-powered Robot Controlled With The Tactigon

We used The Tactigon to control an Arduino-powered robot via BLE. Moving The Tactigon as a 3D steering wheel is awesome!

3dcg Control Using Touchdesigner & 10 Dof Mems Imu Sensor

I controlled 3DCG object using TouchDesigner. The object moves according to the value of the sensor connected Arduino. By H0meMadeGarbage

Led Controlled By 3d Gesture Sensor

I tried controlling the display of flexible LED matrix with 3D gesture sensor. By H0meMadeGarbage

How To Drive A Bi-directional Stepper Motor

How to drive a Nema17 bi-directional stepper motor with arduino uno, an a4988 driver, a potentiometer and two buttons

Smart Mailbox

Come forward to meet the speaking MailBox

Walle - Home Assistant

Home automation system with built-in Alexa assistant and wireless controllers for light and central heating? It sounds great, doesn't it?

Wolverino: Fully Automatic Diy X-men Wolverine Claws

Muscle-controlled fully automatic DiY X-Men Wolverine claws, which deploy and retract using Electromyography (EMG) or Mechanomyography (MMG) signals.

Bionic Arm Moved Vith Voice

I wanted to prove if an arm moved trough voice would be useful in daily life; with this idea in mind I learned to design and print in 3D, Arduino code, and some mechanics a complete project for those who want to learn!

Pir Sensor Tutorial - With Or Without Arduino

A tutorial explaining the working of a PIR sensor.

Using Arduino Yun To Detect Intruders

In this project I am trying to use amazon SQS and IOT services with temboo and arduino YUN to detect intruders.

Arduino Tutorial: Jarvis V1 | How To Make A Home Automation

This project demonstrates the use of different technologies and their integration to build an intelligent system which will interact with a human and support in their day to day tasks.

Udoo X86 Powered Enhanced Guitar

A guitar with FX and MIDI controls powered by UDOO X86.

Driving A Relay With An Arduino

Here we are to discuss how a relay works and how we can hook it up to an Arduino.

Make A Wireless Keyboard By Hacking Your Tv Remote

This Project Utilizes IR, or infrared wireless communication technology to Build a Wireless Keyboard.