Driving A Relay With An Arduino

Here we are to discuss how a relay works and how we can hook it up to an Arduino.

Make A Wireless Keyboard By Hacking Your Tv Remote

This Project Utilizes IR, or infrared wireless communication technology to Build a Wireless Keyboard.

How To Make A Secret Locked Box! | Arduino Tutorial

Create a simple locked box that will never open until you guess the correct combination of buttons!

Smart Home Automation Using Arduino

People have smartphones, so it makes sense to use these to control home appliances. Presented here is a home automation system.

Object And Human Following Robot

Object following robot which can find an object with range ... follow or avoid an object and human in specific distance.

Arduino Wireless Remote With 2.5ghz Nrf24l01

a simple NRF24L01 based transmitter and receiver. Transmitter is act as remote control and receiver will ON/OFF a LED according to data

Drone Landing Pad With Arduino Timer

A drone landing pad with an integrated ultrasonic sensor that detects a drones presence and automatically times your laps.

Simple Wireless Keyboard For Pc

Wireless keyboard designed specifically for youtube and Netflix on PC or Mac. Works great with music players like Spotify too.

Diy - Arduino Based Car Parking Assistant

In this tut I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate a car's distance from t garage wall & display it using green yellow LED

Graph Math On Your Scope

Make a gift for your geeky significant other that's neither fattening nor underwear.

Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet Of Things (iot)

A method in which waste management is wirelessly automated. An innovative system that will help keep the city clean and healthy.

Arduino And Visuino: Control Servo With Buttons

There are a lot of tutorials, on how to control Servos with joysticks, or analog sensors, but sometimes we need to control them with buttons

Arduino Tutorial : Mini Piano

In this video, I show you how to make a mini piano using Arduino.

Microclock - Modular Synthesizer Module With Arudino

Arduino Micro based clock source module in the eurorack format. Built with Otto's DIY ecosystem.

Crakobot | Arduino Robot With Manual And Autopilot Modes

Super fun robot that can be controller manually using Bluetooth or can be set to Autopilot mode and it moves around avoiding obstacles :)

Automatic Door Locking System Controlled By Mobile

I made a simple mechanism for opening & closing my pre-installed door latch,and combined it with Arduino Uno via some simple coding.

Diy - Solar Battery Charger

Wouldn’t it be really cool if you can charge your mobile phones battery using the sun instead of a USB charger.

Star Wars Bb8 Remote Controlled Droid

A 3D printable, low cost, BB8 project with easy to follow guides.