Water Cooling Wearable

Version 1 of my temperature controlling wearable.

Using Ibm's Watson For Ph And Ec Measurements

This will show how to monitor EC, pH, and temperature of a hydroponics setup and upload the data to IBM's Watson service. Watson is free to get started with. There are paid plans, but the free plan is more than enough for this project.

Convert Your Old Phone To A Remote Switch

Got some old phones? Here's a cool way to reuse your old phone by converting it into a remote switch that can be operated from anywhere.

Word Clock - Customisable And Easy To Build

WIN ELECTROMAKER SWAG! Simply submit your code improvements or suggestions for this project in the comments section at the bottom of the page. The top 5 comments will win an Electromaker swag bag. Have your clock tell you the time in full written sentences by lighting up hidden words in a grid of random letters. The face can also be easily swapped once complete to give it almost any style or look you like.

Iot Based Healthcare System

We have decided to make an internet of things based healthcare project which uses your personal information about your health using a mobile phone.

Feeding Cat Remotely Using Smartphone

Do you wanna feed your pet when you are not at home? I have made a feeding machine that can be controlled on a browser using your smartphone.

Touched By Time – Cyborgism

I have no “sense of time - can I develop one? Tempo is a wearable device that feeds time data to my skin through vibration patterns.

Automatic Pet Water Chiller

Say goodbye to ice cubes and automatically cool your pet's water dish.

Complete Tutorial On I2c Oled Display Using Arduino/nodemcu

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to get started with the small 0.91 and 0.96 I2C OLED displays with Arduino and NodeMCU.

Zelda Song Player

Assemble an Arduino Uno-based device to recreate an N64 controller to play the first six songs from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

The Hydromazing Smart Garden System

The hydroMazing system manages your growing environment by making localized data-driven decisions so that you don't have to worry.

Chakra Healing Harmonizer Using Arduino

A step to combine the technology and spiritualism.

Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino 101

A method in which waste management is automated. An innovative system that will help keep the city clean and healthy

Arduino Musical Tesla Coil

This is a musical Tesla Coil driven by an Arduino and Slayer-Exciter. Using an Arduino, you can play music with pure electricity!

Automatic Flying Bug Killer

A solar powered, cloud-connected device to dispatch annoying summertime pests efficiently.

Arduino And Ac Devices - Automatic Lights

Learn how to use Relay, Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino in one cool and easy project

Crop Growth Monitor

The project using a HC -SR04 Distance sensor will show you how to monitor crop growth on your allotment or Vegetable patch.

Bio-smart Wear

My application is based on the use of this kind of devices to connect our body to the cloud.