Diy - Boba Fett Helmet With Led Chaser Circuit

In this short tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to create your own crazy Star Wars inspired Boba Fett Helmet using simple household stationaries and some scrap materials.

Diy Rgb Tube Lights

RGB Tube Lights made using Arduino Nano and WS2812B LEDs.

Blynk App And Lora Transreceiver Interfacing

Sending The Data From The LoRa Modules To Blynk Servers Using Ai-Thinker LoRa Modules


This project is aimed to use MQTT protocol IoT with an Arduino MKR1010 WiFi

Additional Analog Inputs In Arduino - Cd4051b Multiplexer

Sometimes the number of analog inputs on an Arduino just isn't enough for your project, this tutorial is all about using cheap CD4051B multiplexing chips to turn one analog pin into eight!

Multiplying Multiplexers In Arduino

Multiplexing Arduino Inputs: 16 Analogue Sensors on 2 Analogue Pins! Full video and written tutorial on how to read a full 16 potentiometers from only 2 analogue pins!

Use Arduino To Control Max 8: Receive Data From 16+ Sensors

Max is a visual programming language that is a little easier to get your head around for prototyping projects. Being able to use an Arduino to control it unlocks all sorts of new project possibilities!

Mind Control Beer Pong!

Don't focus too hard! Beer pong game that gets easier as you drink!

Sandisp! Sanitizer Dispenser With Voice Notifications

Touchless hand sanitizer dispenser with voice notifications. voice notification available in 100+ languages.

World's Slimmest Neopixel Led Matrix

This is a 8x8 WS2812b NeoPixel LED matrix that is completely flat surface and has the same 1.6mm height as a normal PCB

Iot Based Gesture Controlled Robot Using Blynk App

Making gesture-controlled robots using an accelerometer sensor like Adxl 335 is old tech. To control it require sensors and MCU and RF transmitter to be placed on the hand. On the other side, RF receiver MCU and other components are required. In our project, I have used the android Accelerometer sensor to control the movements

Am/fm/sw Radio Receiver - Si4730 / Si4735

DIY AM/FM/SW/ DSP radio receiver, using Arduino Uno/Nano and a color display TFT ST7735 1.8in.

Diy - Ir Module

In this tutorial, we are going to talk about "IR sensors" or Infrared sensors, how they work and how to build a "DIY IR Sensor Module".

Wireless Doorbell Using Arduino And Rf Module

These systems have features such as a camera, video recorder & it can be easily installed in any part of the house as it is totally wireless.

Rfid Based Attendance System

RFID based attendance system consists of RFID Reader, RFID Tag, LCD display and microcontroller unit. RFID can be interfaced to microcontroller through USART. Data is transferred from RFID cards to reader and from there to microcontroller.

Esp32 Connect To Wifi

This tutorial is about how to get started using the WiFi function of the ESP32. You can choose specific WiFi network and connect to it. You can monitor the connection status via serial monitor. All the tests performed here using ESP32 NodeMCU module.

Getting Started With Arduino

This project is meant for beginners with no knowledge about Hardware

Visitor Flow Rate Counting With Esp32

In this project, I will tell you how to use ESP32 to make a simple people counter to count the visitor number of your side.