Rfid Based Attendance System

About the project

RFID based attendance system consists of RFID Reader, RFID Tag, LCD display and microcontroller unit. RFID can be interfaced to microcontroller through USART. Data is transferred from RFID cards to reader and from there to microcontroller.

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: Arduino

Estimated time: 3 days

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)


The aim of this project is to design an RFID Technology based Attendance System using 8051 microcontroller, in which the attendance of students or employees is automatically recorded with the swipe of a card. The working of the project is explained here.

When this circuit is powered ON, initially the microcontroller will display the message as Swipe the card on the LCD display. When the RFID reader detects the ID card, it will send the unique card no to the microcontroller via serial terminal.

With the help of suitable programming, we need to compare the received card no. with the numbers that are already stored in the microcontroller or any database.

Once, if any of these numbers are match with the received card no., then the corresponding name stored in that no. is displayed on the LCD display and also the attendance for the name stored in the corresponding number is marked.

By pressing the button, the attendance recording will be closed and the details are displayed on the LCD repeatedly until the microcontroller has been reset. 

Schematics, diagrams and documents


RFID Based Attendance System

#include<reg51.h> #include<string.h> //0000 to 7FFF sbit RS = P0^7; sbit EN = P0^6; sbit SDA = P1^0; sbit SCL = P1^1; sbit RELAY = P1^2; code unsigned char RFID_1[] = "34006C9C04C0"; //34006C9C04+NULL code unsigned char RFID_2[] = "34006C549C90"; code unsigned char RFID_3[] = "1300F8FAC1D0"; code unsigned char RFID_4[] = "34006CD5AD20"; code unsigned char RFID_5[] = "420061231E1E"; code unsigned char name_1[] = "SANJAY JAIN"; code unsigned char name_2[] = "SHEKHAT HARSH"; code unsigned char name_3[] = "DHOLARIYA RAKSHIT"; code unsigned char name_4[] = "DIVYANG SINGH "; code unsigned char name_5[] = "NAKUL JAIN"; unsigned char rs[15]; unsigned int no_of_records; void delay() { int j; for(j=0;j<500;j++); } void long_delay() { unsigned int j; for(j=0;j<65000;j++); } void idelay() { unsigned int j; for(j=0;j<10000;j++); } void lcd_command(char lc) { P2 = lc; RS = 0; EN = 1; delay(); EN = 0; } void lcd_data(char ld) { P2 = ld; RS = 1; EN = 1; delay(); EN = 0; } void lcd_init() { lcd_command(0x38); lcd_command(0x0E); lcd_command(0x01); } void serial_init() { TMOD = 0x20; SCON = 0x50; TH1 = 0xFD; TR1 = 1; } void transmit(unsigned char tx) { SBUF = tx; while(TI==0); TI = 0; } void send_string(unsigned char *str) { int j; for(j=0;str[j]!='\0';j++) transmit(str[j]); } unsigned char receive() { char rx; while(RI==0); RI = 0; rx = SBUF; return(rx); } void lcd_string(char add,char *str) { int j; lcd_command(add); for(j=0;str[j]!='\0';j++) lcd_data(str[j]); } void start() { SDA = 1; SCL = 1; SDA = 0; } void stop() { SDA = 0; SCL = 1; SDA = 1; } void write(unsigned char w) { int j; SCL = 0; for(j=0;j<8;j++) { if((w & 0x80)==0) SDA = 0; else SDA = 1; SCL = 1; SCL = 0; ww = w << 1; } SCL = 1; SCL = 0; } unsigned char read() { int j; unsigned char r = 0x00; SDA = 1; for(j=0;j<8;j++) { SCL = 1; rr = r << 1; if(SDA == 1) rr = r | 0x01; SCL = 0; } return(r); } void ack() { SDA = 0; SCL = 1; SCL = 0; } void nack() { SDA = 1; SCL = 1; SCL = 0; } void rtc_read() { unsigned char ss,mm,hh,day,mn,date,yr; start(); write(0xD0); write(0x00); stop(); start(); write(0xD1); ss = read(); ack(); mm = read(); ack(); hh = read(); ack(); day = read(); ack(); date = read(); ack(); mn = read(); ack(); yr = read(); nack(); stop(); rs[0] = hh/0x10 + 48; rs[1] = hh%0x10 + 48; rs[2] = ':'; rs[3] = mm/0x10 + 48; rs[4] = mm%0x10 + 48; rs[5] = ','; rs[6] = date/0x10 + 48; rs[7] = date%0x10 + 48; rs[8] = '/'; rs[9] = mn/0x10 + 48; rs[10] = mn%0x10 + 48; rs[11] = '/'; rs[12] = yr/0x10 + 48; rs[13] = yr%0x10 + 48; rs[14] = '\0'; } void rtc_init() { start(); write(0xD0); write(0x00); write(0x00); write(0x00); write(0x13); write(0x05); write(0x12); write(0x04); write(0x12); stop(); } void write_records(unsigned char *str); void read_records(); void main() { unsigned char rec_data[13],i,t; RELAY = 0; lcd_init(); serial_init(); rtc_init(); idelay(); start(); write(0xA0); write(0x7F); write(0xFF); stop(); start(); write(0xA1); no_of_records = read(); nack(); stop(); // no_of_records = 0; while(1) { start: lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string(0x80,"RFID ATTENDANCE"); lcd_string(0xC5,"SYSTEM"); j = 0; while(1) { if(RI==1) { RI = 0; t = receive(); if(t == '+') { read_records(); goto start; } else { rec_data[j] = t; for(j=1;j<12;j++) rec_data[j] = receive(); rec_data[j] = '\0'; break; } } } j = strcmp(RFID_1,rec_data); //match => j = 0 lcd_command(0x01); if(j==0) { RELAY = 1; lcd_string(0x80,name_1); rtc_read(); lcd_string(0xC0,rs); long_delay(); write_records(name_1); RELAY = 0; goto start; } // j = strcmp(RFID_2,rec_data); //match => j = 0 if(j==0) { RELAY = 1; lcd_string(0x80,name_2); rtc_read(); lcd_string(0xC0,rs); long_delay(); write_records(name_2); RELAY = 0; goto start; } // j = strcmp(RFID_3,rec_data); //match => j = 0 if(j==0) { RELAY = 1; lcd_string(0x80,name_3); rtc_read(); lcd_string(0xC0,rs); long_delay(); write_records(name_3); RELAY = 0; goto start; } j = strcmp(RFID_4,rec_data); //match => j = 0 if(j==0) { RELAY = 1; lcd_string(0x80,name_4); rtc_read(); lcd_string(0xC0,rs); long_delay(); write_records(name_4); RELAY = 0; goto start; } j = strcmp(RFID_5,rec_data); //match => j = 0 if(j==0) { RELAY = 1; lcd_string(0x80,name_5); no_of_records = 0; start(); write(0xA0); write(0x7F); write(0xFF); write(0x00); stop(); lcd_string(0xC0,"MEMORY CLEARED"); long_delay(); RELAY = 0; goto start; } lcd_string(0x80,"ERROR"); lcd_string(0xC0,rec_data); long_delay(); } }


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