Led Matrix Display Panel

This is a light panel made of 5x8 type LED matrices, which can be used together with an Arduino platform for example to display text, data from sensors or other messages we want. LED matrices are recovered from broken electronic boards.

Control Your Home Devices Using Arduino And Personal Assist

Let's use Arduino and Amazon's Alexa to create a home automation system that can be operated by speech.

Arduino Root Beer Float Robot

With the press of one button, fully automate the root beer float making process. From dispensing the cup, to extruding the ice-cream and pumping the root beer, there is no work required!

Espboy - Esp12e Based Gaming Console

let's build a retro gaming console

Weather Station | Bme280 Temperature, Humidity And Pressure

In this tutorial we are going to make a weather station project using a BME280 sensor and ST7735 Display.

Making A Gesture Controller Glove Using Hall Effect Sensor

Hey guys, in this video, we will be making a compact circuit that can be fitted in a glove to control Robots using Gesture commands.

How To Make Walkie Talkie Using Arduino

Lets spend some time today & design & understand this fairly simple circuit, & lets find out how our expectations r challenged by the reality

Ultra Tinyml: Machine Learning For 8-bit Microcontroller

How to create a gesture recognition system with Arduino and Neuton TinyML

How To Save Sensor Data Temp & Time To Sd Card Using Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to save Temperature, Humidity Data from the Dht11 sensor & Date Time to the SD card.

Arduino Pulse Generator Frequency Sweep

Learn how to make a Pulse Generator with a Frequency Sweep.

Wifi Connection Status Monitor Atom Matrix Esp32 M5stack

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a wifi connection status monitor using the atom matrix esp32.

Picomputer - Universal Pocket Computer

Based on raspberry pi PICO, retrocomputer emumator, LoRa communicator and retro machines emulator

How To Make Diy Esp32 Cam Surveillance Robot

The DIY ESP32 Cam Surveillance Car is a great way to get started with building your own surveillance car. This project uses the ESP32 camera

Motor Control Shield For Arduino

Are you looking for a board, that can be used to control strong DC motors as well as highspeed brushless motors? Here you've found it.

A (not So) Electric Bike

A system that gives my bike front and tail lights, a turn signal, and a speedometer, all in a clean and simple design.

Easy And Affordable Track Timing System

An affordable and automatic system letting athletes time themselves or their peers quickly and easily.

Diy Basketball Scoreboard

A professional-level scoreboard featuring a wireless controller, bright lights, and a loud horn.

Led Scanner Atom Matrix Esp32

In this tutorial we are going to make a Simple LED Scanner using Atom Matrix ESP32.