Rob_inp_les Semi-croustillants

Une carte de puissance est ajoutée pour optimiser la répartition des ressources du véhicule. Un laser monté sur un support imprimé en 3D sera utilisé pour le challenge d'évitement d'obstacle.

Deodates - Autonomous Rover

A modified RC car for autonomous operations

Gvb West

We are creating an autonomous vehicle that can drive along an unknown track, changing speeds and stops when it is told to.


nxp cup

Environment Monitoring Integrated With Iota

Precise sensing is an IoT monitoring system to collect and measure air temperature, humidity, and pressure by using a BME280 sensor, integrated with IOTA Tangle.

Covid-19: Face Mask Detection System Using Deep Learning

In this tutorial, we will cover how to build a face mask detector using YOLOv4 object detection algorithm on the Nvidia Jetson board.

Animatronic Hand Controlled By Leap Motion

Control a robotic hand with a Leap Motion hand tracker, plus save hand animations to replay later.

Using Machine Learning To Mind Control A Flamethrower

A mind controlled flamethrower that works off of thoughts of fire: no need to try to control your meditation or concentration values. It uses a one dimensional convolution neural network to classify between standard and fire mind data. Take the code to make your own model and control your own projects with your mind!

New Raprep 3d Printer

Hello, I am planning to develop a new 3d printer based on one of the existing Raprep designs. I want to make this printer as replicable as possible, with largest percentage of all parts 3d printed. I already have experience in 3d printing using Ender 3 V2, soldering and programming. I am 4th year computer engineering student.

Teachable Machine

A voice-enabled machine which reads book and replies to the questions.

No Pause

A non-invasive solution for hot flashes during menopause using machine learning

Traffic Segmentation Using Ultra96v2 And Vitis-ai

This is a real time demo running on Ultra96V2 for segmentation a live YouTube video stream from Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo.

Handwriting Recognition

This IMU-equipped pen is trained to recognize handwritten numbers

Psoc 6 Audio Sensor

Truly listen to what is around you, with the use of some electronics of course. Microphones can 'hear' more than your ears. This project will guide you through measurement, calculations and interpretation of that!

Voice Recognition At The Edge

I have built a device which can detect voice commands and takes action.

Smart Garden System For Plant Monitoring And Watering

I made a plant watering and light monitoring system for a garden.

Iot Based Advertisement Billboards/hordings

Epsilon Advertisements - It won't be a problem to find one digital hoarding in your area. Since the introduction of Digital Advertisements.

Environmental Control Kit

Smart Home Automation (Smartha) is a total home automation solution. Environmental Control Kit is a part of it. This kit maintains a controlled environment inside the home. Controlling parameters: Room temperature and Humidity.