Esp32-s3 Powerfeather Demonstrations

Exploring the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather's power management and monitoring features

Esp32 Display Tutorial: Draw Gui With Lovyangfx丨lesson 2

Learn to draw graphics and text on your ESP32 display using LovyanGFX and TFT_eSPI libraries.

Modular Iot Kit

Your gateway to a simpler, smarter tomorrow!

Setting Up The Development Environment With Esp32 Display

Learn how to set up your ESP32 Display with CrowPanel the tutorial. Perfect for beginners looking to get started with Elecrow's CrowPanel.

Ameba Pro 2 Sos: Alerts, Maps & Camera

Ameba Pro 2 SOS snaps pic & shares location (Telegram & Maps) for fast help!

Vehicle Frame Grabber - Ecfg Series

Frame grabber——A trusted turn-key solution adobted by top-tier autonomous driving companies.

Two-way Satellite Messaging With Blues Starnote

Learn how to incorporate low-cost satellite connectivity in your project using the Blues Starnote alongside a Blues Notecard.

All About Ic Unl2003

Let's deep-dive and check out the internals of the ULN2003 IC and how it can be used in our projects.

Voice Controlled Dht11 With Dfrobot

Will guide you to visualize the DHT11 data via voice commands.

Real-time Weather Station With Lark, Arduino And Qubitro

Will guide you in designing and implementing an Arduino-based real-time weather station with Lark weather station and Qubitro.

Voice-controlled Neo Pixels

Will guide you to a simple voice control neo-pixel system.

How To Make Multicolour Pcbs

let's build a multicolour Tom and jerry themed Arduino Uno

Ai-driven Interactive Lab Assistant W/ Opencv & Chatgpt

In remote learning, provide insightful guidance on lab equipment as auto-generated lessons via object detection and artificial intelligence.

Octoclock And Old-school Energy Meter

Being on a variable rate tariff means I keep a close eye on when to turn on appliances - these devices help me out at a glance.

Diy Smart Bubble Machine

A bubble machine that can be controlled remotely for a home assistant, And also through my live stream chat.

Arduino Iot Smart Solar Plant

Artificial plant with environmental monitoring

Push Notification For Doorbells

Get push notification for your doorbell on your smartphone! Never again will you miss a ring on your wired doorbell, leaving your visitor waiting outside the door. See more on:

Fusion Of Graphical & Shortcut Based Workflows

Computer input devices with different modules to accommodate the individual needs of any computer user.