Let’s see… I’ll skip to the best parts. I am an aspiring embedded software engineer passionate about creating a sustainable embedded system ecosystem in Nigeria. I have been tinkering with embedded systems since my high school days until the present. My fascination with robotics brought about my interest in embedded systems. I have always wondered how GOD made humans walk, and it still fascinates me when I sit and watch people walking. So, I decided to delve into robots and stumbled upon a video on YouTube on how to make a robot with Arduino. That was it; I have been writing codes since then. However, now, my interest is in becoming an embedded software engineer rather than focusing on robots. Robots just served as a means to introduce me to embedded systems.

C++, Python, Arduino, FreeRTOS, Embedded Software, IoT
3 Projects

Energy Monitor With Blues Notecard

Blues Remote Temperature Monitoring System Using Blynk Iot