OpenAuto Turns Your Raspberry Pi into a Carputer

OpenAuto Turns Your Raspberry Pi into a Carputer

Want to install a Raspberry Pi into your car and use it to access satnav, in-car entertainment, and more? It’s possible! Since its release, the Raspberry Pi has been at the heart of many carputer projects, so what makes OpenAuto different?
Steam Link Streaming Arcade (with a Raspberry Pi?)

Steam Link Streaming Arcade (with a Raspberry Pi?)

Playing video games on custom-configured hardware is becoming increasingly popular, with the Raspberry Pi proving particularly adept as the heart of a retro gaming machine. Sticking the compact computer into your self-built gaming cabinet is probably the easiest step.
Raspberry Shake: A Pi-Powered Earthquake Detector

Raspberry Shake: A Pi-Powered Earthquake Detector

It’s always great to see a successful Kickstarter project, but let’s hope the Earth didn’t move too much for the Raspberry Shake team, whose earthquake detector is now available to purchase.
Track the ISS with a Raspberry Pi!

Track the ISS with a Raspberry Pi!

Since the first module was launched in 1998, the location of the International Space Station (ISS) continues to fascinate. Stepping outside on an evening to watch its movement across the night sky imbues a sense of pride in humankind’s achievements ... but it’s not always possible to see the structure.
The Final Frontier: Build Your Own Raspberry Pi-Powered Mars Rover!

The Final Frontier: Build Your Own Raspberry Pi-Powered Mars Rover!

Raspberry Pi-based robotics projects have been popping up since the board was released in 2013, but few come close to this: a Nasa-backed Mars Rover. With plans set to be released by the Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL), there is a real possibility that you could build your own $2.5 billion rover … for a fraction of the cost!
Take Your Raspberry Pi Out on the Trail

Take Your Raspberry Pi Out on the Trail

Want to take your Raspberry Pi outside? Of course you do. Thanks to increasingly smaller rechargeable batteries, and shock-proof and waterproof cases, it’s becoming easier. But what should you do with it once you’ve broken free of the shackles of indoor life?

Amazing Raspberry Pi-Powered LED Cube!

It isn’t every day that something comes along and totally blows us away, but this LED cube, complete with a gyro-based fluid “simulation” certainly does.
Could You Beat a Raspberry Pi at Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe)?

Could You Beat a Raspberry Pi at Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe)?

Unveiled at the Maker Faire New York in Autumn 2017, the Tic-Tac-Toe Robot is a Raspberry Pi-based project that challenges (and beats) a human player.
How to make a DIY portable retro gaming console

How to make a DIY portable retro gaming console

Want to get started with portable retro gaming? Check out these kits!
Make Your Raspberry Pi Mobile with the NoodlePi

Make Your Raspberry Pi Mobile with the NoodlePi

Your Raspberry Pi is so small that it should be mobile by default. But it isn’t – so what are your options? Smartphone battery rechargers can be used to keep a Pi running on the go, but without a display, and a keyboard, it’s a largely unedifying experience.

It's Easy to Build a 3D Printed Arduino Controlled Spiderbot

The concept is simple: you take an Arduino, some servos, and a 3D printer, and you build a spider-like robot (commonly known as a spiderbot).
Should You Water Cool Your SBC?

Should You Water Cool Your SBC?

Eventually, heatsinks just aren’t enough. We’ve all seen water cooling kits for desktop gaming systems, elaborate rigs for pumping water or other heat-absorbing liquids across GPUs and CPUs to squeeze some extra performance from overclocked processors.
Google Endorses Raspberry Pi Zero, ZeroPhone Fans Get Excited

Google Endorses Raspberry Pi Zero, ZeroPhone Fans Get Excited

Recently hitting the crowdfunding stage, the ZeroPhone – a Raspberry Pi Zero-based smartphone – is perhaps the ultimate in DIY communications projects.
Creating digital signage using Screenly and Raspberry Pi

Creating digital signage using Screenly and Raspberry Pi

Digital signage is everywhere. From your local school to Leicester Square, London there are adverts and information radiating to onlookers. How can we make our digital signage for an event? Well using any model of Raspberry Pi a spare monitor, Internet connection and most importantly software called Screenly we can make our very own digital signage system.
Pirtual Boy Gives Forgotten Nintendo Failure a New Lease of Life (Part 1 of 3)

Pirtual Boy Gives Forgotten Nintendo Failure a New Lease of Life (Part 1 of 3)

Back in 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy, ostensibly a portable console built into a 3D stereoscopic headset. Although marketed as a VR experience, the Virtual Boy suffered from monochrome graphics, weight, low-quality games, and a poor 3D effect.
10 Best DIY Raspberry Pi-Powered Holiday Projects

10 Best DIY Raspberry Pi-Powered Holiday Projects

The Raspberry Pi is a nifty single-board device. With its capability of running pretty much any Linux operating system and tons of connectivity options, it’s perfect for a variety of projects.
An introduction to Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

An introduction to Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

The Internet of Things (IoT), those words will either fill you with hope or leave you in fear! But the IoT is here and many devices now communicate their information using a myriad of protocols.