Weather Lamp

Weather Lamp A IoT based 3D Printed Weather Simulating Lamp

Predictive Maintenance With Blues Notecard And Wio Terminal

Will guide you to build a cellular based predictive maintenance monitoring device with Blues Notecard, Edge Impulse, Qubitro & Wio Terminal.

How to Make a Neopixel Rainbow Clock

let's build a beautiful desktop clock using Arduino and neopixel

How To Save Sensor Data Temp & Time To Sd Card Using Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to save Temperature, Humidity Data from the Dht11 sensor & Date Time to the SD card.

CO2 Buddy

This device helps your mind to stay awake

Fytó - Turn Your Plant Into Pet

The smart planter that turns your plant into pet.

Terminator Skull

A T-800 skull that can talk, listen and detect humans/objects using ML

Iot Weather Data Logger Using Blues Wireless& Qubitro

This guide will help you to build an IoT-based weather data logger using the Blues Wireless Notecard and Notecarrier.

Ml Anomaly Detection In Elevators W/ Edge Impulse & Notecard

A Blues Wireless Notecard provides cellular connectivity to a sound classification MCU. This is part of the elevator Digital Twin series.

Fall Detection System With Edge Impulse And Blues Wireless

An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network

Over-fermented Fruit Fermentation Using Wio Terminal

Monitoring over-fermented fruits by using WIO Terminal and Multichannel Gas Sensor, connected to Qubitro Cloud through MQTT.

Clisensio - Climate Sensing And Insect Infestation Control

SensiML Sensing and Control device to protect farmlands from future insects outbreaks and vector-borne diseases due to climate change.

Seeeduino Xiao Weather Station Using Expansion Board

We are going to build a simple weather station using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor.

Arduino Mkr1010 And Alibaba Cloud Iot By Using Grove Sensor

This project shows grove gas sensor V2 and Grove - AMG8833 8x8 Infrared Thermal Temperature of seeed studio integrated with arduino mkr1010.

Seeeduino Xiao Expansion Board Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

In this Tutorial we are going to explore how to measure a distance using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and Ultrasonic Range sensor.

Fire Detection Using Seeeduino Xiao And Flame Sensor

In this Tutorial we will learn how to use Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board by making a Simple Fire Detection project using a Flame Sensor.

Mouse Fatigue Estimation By Gsr And Emg Values W/ Tensorflow

Collate forearm muscle soreness data on the SD card, build and train a neural network model, and run the model directly on Wio Terminal.

Irrigation Level Assessment By Thermal Imaging W/ Tensorflow

Collect irrigation level data by thermal imaging, build and train a neural network model, and run the model directly on Wio Terminal.