Measuring Distance With Sound

Using ultrasonic sensors to measure distance of obstacles, taking into account temperature and humidity that affect the speed of sound.

Dual Axis Solar Tracker Panel With Auto And Manual Mode

A solar panel that can rotate in two axis either automatically using four light sensors, either manually with the aid of two potentiometers.

Arduino Glasses A Hmd For Multimeter

Building an HMD with no special parts, to make work easier and safer

Plant Watering Alarm System With Arduino

A device that warns us with light sound and a sign when our plant needs water.

Hsl Jacket

Control lights on your arms with the zipper on your jacket! It uses HSL color, or Hue Saturation Lightness, an intuitive way to pick colors.

MIDI Slide Whistle "MEMIDION" 

I tried to make slide whistle move automatically by MIDI signal. It is MEMIDION.

Arduino Based Wireless Intelligent Water Irrigation System

This system monitors the weather and makes decisions about when to water.


The only Arduino designed for healing (probably not). Okay, but it is designed for teaching.

Penxzyl: Arduino 3-axis Brush Plotter

A pen plotter adapted with a brush to paint in oil.

Smart Energy Saver For Your Home

My aim is to minimize the loss of electricity there is when people forget to switch off their fans or lights, through smart home solution.

Water Cooling Wearable

Version 1 of my temperature controlling wearable.

Using Ibm's Watson For Ph And Ec Measurements

This will show how to monitor EC, pH, and temperature of a hydroponics setup and upload the data to IBM's Watson service. Watson is free to get started with. There are paid plans, but the free plan is more than enough for this project.

Convert Your Old Phone To A Remote Switch

Got some old phones? Here's a cool way to reuse your old phone by converting it into a remote switch that can be operated from anywhere.

Word Clock - Customisable And Easy To Build

WIN ELECTROMAKER SWAG! Simply submit your code improvements or suggestions for this project in the comments section at the bottom of the page. The top 5 comments will win an Electromaker swag bag. Have your clock tell you the time in full written sentences by lighting up hidden words in a grid of random letters. The face can also be easily swapped once complete to give it almost any style or look you like.

Iot Based Healthcare System

We have decided to make an internet of things based healthcare project which uses your personal information about your health using a mobile phone.

Feeding Cat Remotely Using Smartphone

Do you wanna feed your pet when you are not at home? I have made a feeding machine that can be controlled on a browser using your smartphone.

Touched By Time – Cyborgism

I have no “sense of time - can I develop one? Tempo is a wearable device that feeds time data to my skin through vibration patterns.