Build Your Own Simon Game With Netduino

Use the power of Netduino to make a compact size Simon game on a half breadboard with LEDs, push buttons, and a piezo speaker.

Meet R3-14, My Personal Assistant

R3-14 has many features, including integration with Siri and Google Assistant, to help with daily tasks while also brightening your day.

Arduino Lightsaber

A colour changing lightsaber based on Arduino technology.

Dual Axis Solar Tracker Panel With Auto And Manual Mode

A solar panel that can rotate in two axis either automatically using four light sensors, either manually with the aid of two potentiometers.

Hsl Jacket

Control lights on your arms with the zipper on your jacket! It uses HSL color, or Hue Saturation Lightness, an intuitive way to pick colors.

Motion Sensing Glove DigiTe

Make a motion-sensing glove using pressure-sensitive conductive cloth.

MIDI Slide Whistle "MEMIDION" 

I tried to make slide whistle move automatically by MIDI signal. It is MEMIDION.

Arduino Based Wireless Intelligent Water Irrigation System

This system monitors the weather and makes decisions about when to water.


The only Arduino designed for healing (probably not). Okay, but it is designed for teaching.

Iot Hexsense

IoT Sensing Node for Home Automation using Hexiwear.

Penxzyl: Arduino 3-axis Brush Plotter

A pen plotter adapted with a brush to paint in oil.

Convert Your Old Phone To A Remote Switch

Got some old phones? Here's a cool way to reuse your old phone by converting it into a remote switch that can be operated from anywhere.


A device that can measure environmental conditions and relay to the user; in glasses form.

Iot Based Healthcare System

We have decided to make an internet of things based healthcare project which uses your personal information about your health using a mobile phone.

Automatic Pet Water Chiller

Say goodbye to ice cubes and automatically cool your pet's water dish.

Scotttv- A Simple Mediaplayer For My Autistic Son

Hi, I needed a simple media player that my son can understand. I could not find a commercial solution, so I built one based on a raspberry

Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino 101

A method in which waste management is automated. An innovative system that will help keep the city clean and healthy