How To Build A Giant Hidden Shelf Edge Clock

A giant digital LED clock discreetly hidden in the edges of a geometric shelving system. Includes intergarted LED downlighters to show off your favorite items on the shelves. A discreet photoresistor dims the LED's when the ambient light levels drop and colours can be customised in the code.

Taking a Rotary-Dial Phone Into the Future

A blast from the past - or a call from the past?

Mosquitto Mqtt Broker On Raspberry Pi 3

There are many blogs, articles and instructions on the Internet on how to get the Mosquitto MQTT or similar one installed on Raspberry Pi, but for few ones, these instructions do no work! We tried to find out the common mistakes and issues and create instructions for you to do in just few steps. So here it goes…


Effect change in your surroundings by wearing these AI-enabled glasses. ShAIdes is a transparent UI for the real world.

Doom Air

Play Doom on a giant screen using your body as the controller.


Smart glasses with a gentle memory assist.


Eyeglass-mounted device that can be configured to locate a specific type of object or a person. When the target is found, Artemis tracks it.

Light Brakes

Light Brakes are smart glasses that selectively filter out excessively bright spots from a wearer's field of vision.

Low power e-paper dashboard using ESP32

Rotary Encoder Using Arduino

The rotary encoder supports the user to interact with the system and in this project, we interface it with Arduino.

Wireless Charging Stand - Guide

A 3D printable, rotating, glow-in-dark double helix with intergrated QI wireless charger.

A Much Smarter Light Switch

What if you could do much more than just toggle your lights with this switch. N+1 principle in action!

Rubber Chicken Subwoofer

I thought it would be funny to listen to music via Rubber Chicken, thus this Bluetooth Rubber Chicken Subwoofer was born.

Door Alarm Using Arduino

Security is a major concern so we have designed a door alarm system to recognize the presence of anybody at the door.

Arduino All In One Die!

With this all in one electric Arduino die you can change the range of the die (1 to 3-21) and the amount of the dice to calculate (1-6). You can charge it, change all the settings with one button, and shake to roll the dice!

Mind Patterning – Phase 1

Using EEG data to train a TensorFlow model on relaxed mind-states; the beginning of moving a mind to a machine!

Nixie Clock With Arduino | Simplest Design

After long day working, finally I got successful making Nixie clock with Arduino and opto-isolation chip, no need Nixie driver which is difficult to purchase.

Surveillance And Reconnaissance Quadruped.

Quadruped means having four legs. So, I have designed and built a quarduped robot with four legs and a tail. It consists of 8 joints , 8 links and 1 main frame. A microcontroller and power source is fitted over it. It has proximity sensor for obstacle avoidance. A PIR sensor to sense human presence as a part of surveillance.