Smart Garden System For Plant Monitoring And Watering

I made a plant watering and light monitoring system for a garden.

Iot Based Advertisement Billboards/hordings

Epsilon Advertisements - It won't be a problem to find one digital hoarding in your area. Since the introduction of Digital Advertisements.

Environmental Control Kit

Smart Home Automation (Smartha) is a total home automation solution. Environmental Control Kit is a part of it. This kit maintains a controlled environment inside the home. Controlling parameters: Room temperature and Humidity.

Mind Control Beer Pong!

Don't focus too hard! Beer pong game that gets easier as you drink!

Audio-visual Face Mask Detection System On The Jetson Nano

This work implements face mask recognition system on the Jetson Nano using Jupyter Lab headlessly.

Lidar Integration With Ros Noetic On The Nvidia Jetson Sbcs

LiDAR integration with ROS Noetic using Docker containers on the Nvidia Jetson SBCs.

Automated Beerpong Game - Moving Cups!

Drinking game too easy? Here's a way to increase the difficulty to your liking!

Building A Map Using Lidar With Ros Melodic On Jetson Nano

This tutorial will cover how to install ROS Melodic on the Jetson Nano and build a map of our environment using LiDAR and Hector SLAM.

Sketch Drive Car V2

An intelligent drive.

Sketch Drive Car

This project aims at controlling a car through a trajectory traced by the user on a screen running windows or android

Nxp Scarab Robot

A Robot designed for Automate our routine tasks with smartness.

Particle Home Mesh

Build thermostats, monitor sump pumps, water leaks, temperature, and pools. Let's see what we can do with Particle Mesh at home.

Diy Electric Skateboard – Using Arduino Led's

How to build a DIY Electric Skateboard faster than one you can buy, using an Arduino Nano to control the programmable lights.

The Interactive Storytelling Radio

In this project we convert a neat looking radio into a voice-enabled, interactive storyteller. Future, here we come!

The Ultimate Wireless Keyboard Mark 2

wireless keyboard but it's like a remote

My Smart Thermostat Runs Boiler, Mini-split, And Window A/c

The project will start, control, and protect a wood-fired boiler, modulating according to outdoor temperature. It will control a mini-split to provide heat or cooling. It also controls a window A/C. Statistics are rendered on Blynk graphs. Control via Blynk and Node-Red dashboard.


I've Designed and built a Giant Board 120 Volt plug in Sensor Array for sensing Temperature/ Humidity/altitude and Motion(X,Y,Z)

Voice Activate Labels

just shout: hey google, print me a label : "insert text here" and it just pops out of the labelprinter! no mare hassle with apps, software, packages and so on! And it's also a WiFi printserver, WAW!