Automated Score Tracking Cornhole Game

The Automated Score Tracking (AST) Cornhole Game is a modern upgrade on the classic cornhole game that implements Cypress BLE Mesh to allow for wireless communication and modularity to be introduced to the game. AST eliminates the responsibility for teams to manually keep track of their score from round to round.

Presentation Controller For Powerpoint With The Tactigonskin

We made this project to show an example of how you can integrate the T-Skin into everyday tasks making them more interesting and intuitive.

Simon Says Game - 3d Printable | Arduino Nano | Diy Project

Print, assemble and program your own Simon Says game. How much of the randomly generated colour pattern can you memorise and repeat back? Not sure, then why not make one and find out. With an Arduino Nano at its core this project also incorporates an OLED screen, passive buzzer and some big bright buttons.

Banana Pi Bpi-m2 Zero(h2+) Quad Core Sbc

Banana PI BPI-M2 Zero is the open source hardware platform,Banana PI BPI-M2 Zero is an quad core version of Banana Pi,it support WIFI,same size as raspberry pi zero W

Sense Hat Random Sparkles

Create amazing random sparkles with your Sense HAT. In doing so, you will learn how to choose random positions on the Sense HAT’s LED display as well as random colours to light up the LEDs.

Build Your Own Chaosminer!

The Chaos Miner is a raspberry pi powered radio receiver that converts the entropy of the universe into use-able random numbers for the ChaosCasino! The ChaosMiner earns .5 NotioCoin for its owner when a random number is generated! The ChaosCasino is a blockchain powered Casino dApp operated by DecentraCorp.

Asmd Shock Rifle

Making the Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament real!

Arduino Fortnite Boogie device

My attempt at bringing a bit of Fortnite to life!

Holiday Song Player With Coordinated Leds

Light up some LED's to the tunes of the holidays

Build Your Own Memory Game With Netduino

Learn how to build a memory game with an OLED display and a 4x4 push button keypad using Netduino.Foundation and DisplayGraphics Library.

Original Xbox Rgb Ring mod | Arduino

Adding RGB to an original Xbox with Arduino!

Homemade Handheld Console

A step by step guide for building your own handheld gaming console using a raspberry pi.

Arduino Faire Strength Test

How to build a hammer strength test with Arduino, NeoPixels and The Tactigon Skin (T-Skin). Fun example to use accelerometer and Bluetooth.

Franken Pc

Combining a laptop from the grave with a newer desktop graphics card, a true hardware Halloween.

Arduino Soliton Radar | Metal Gear solid

Rudimentary version of the Soliton Radar from Metal Gear Solid that can detect walls and movement around the user.

Ball Track With A 3d Pen

This project is a chance for you to create your own ball track which could become either your children’s favourite toy or your personal means of relaxing. The complexity, largeness, steepness, colourfulness, and other properties are completely up to your taste and patience.

Raspberry Alarm Upgrade

In this Project, my 20 years old alarm system gets an upgrade, email and SMS warnings replace the old phone calling notification.

Build Your Own Simon Game With Netduino

Use the power of Netduino to make a compact size Simon game on a half breadboard with LEDs, push buttons, and a piezo speaker.