Creating A Arduino Powered Wizard Staff!

A motion-activated prop that combines LED visuals, sound effects, and an LCD to deliver random fortunes when moved.

Control Stepper Motor Using Edp Stepper Component - Visuino

In this tutorial we are going to control a stepper motor Nema 17 by using a 3rd Party EDP stepper component in Visuino.

Control Light On/off Via Sms With Sim900 Module - Visuino

In this tutorial, you will learn how to control a light by sending SMS commands using the SIM900 GSM Module and Visuino. Watch the video!

$50 Diy Ai Smart Coop

The Smart Chicken Coop automates feeding, door control, and predator alerts, all managed through a user-friendly app.

Overhead Tank Water Level Monitoring Using Blues Notecard

Overhead tank water level monitoring plus weather data display on cloud dashboard on Thinger. io

A Smart Hiking Stick For The Visually Impaired

A Smart Hiking Stick that can help the visually impaired navigate and stay safe, that also provides tons of additional utility for any user.

Send Sms Using Sim900 Gsm Shield & Arduino - Visuino Tutoria

In this tutorial you will learn how to send sms using the SIM900 GSM Shield and Visuino. Watch the Video!

Send Temperature & Humidity Sms Every Minute To Your Phone -

In this tutorial you will learn how to send sms with Temperature and Humidity data using the SIM900 GSM Shield, DHT11 sensor and Visuino.

Alternative Wii Controller

Mario Kart Wii is a great game, but the controls are awkward. So, I built an alternative controller to play the game with a D-pad.

Teensy Board & Nextion Display - Control Led On-off

In this project we are going to learn how to control an LED using a Nextion Display with a simple touch button using the Teensy board.

Control Stepper Motor Nema17 - Custom Code In Visuino Pro

In this tutorial we are going to control a stepper motor Nema 17 by using a Custom Code component in Visuino Pro.

Make A Phone Call Using The Sim900 Gsm Shield & Visuino

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a phone call using the SIM900 GSM Shield and Visuino.

How To Control Stepper Motor With Joystick Using Arduino

In this simple tutorial we will learn how to control a 4-wire stepper motor with a joystick using Arduino. Watch the Video!

Control Two Stepper Motors Using Rotary Encoder Sensor & Ard

In this simple tutorial we will learn how to control 2 stepper motors using a rotary encoder sensor & Arduino. Watch the Video!

Subscriber Counter That Shoots Fireballs!!

Subscriber counter that shoots Fireballs ever 10 subs.

Get Stepper Motor Positions From Sd Card

In this tutorial we are going to read stepper motor positions from the SD card where we saved a text file with the amount of steps.

Move Stepper Motor Nema 17 To An Exact Position With Button

In this tutorial we will learn how to move a stepper motor NEMA17 for a certain amount of steps, and then with a push of a button repeat it.

How to Make Arduino Hollow Clock

Hey Guys, in this video I will show you how I made this amazing hollow clock using Arduino in very easy way.