Micro:bit Lie Detector

With this machine, the truth will never escape you! As long as you can make your subject hold a moisture sensor for a while.

Zelda Song Player

Assemble an Arduino Uno-based device to recreate an N64 controller to play the first six songs from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

Arduino And Ac Devices - Automatic Lights

Learn how to use Relay, Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino in one cool and easy project

Crop Growth Monitor

The project using a HC -SR04 Distance sensor will show you how to monitor crop growth on your allotment or Vegetable patch.

Arduino Color Mixer

This project will let you have some fun playing with colors using Arduino analog input / output. Change colors with just a twist.

Face Controlled Santa's Shop Window Display

Standing on the sidewalk, your smile or facial position control elements of a "behind the glass" animated window display.

How To Make A "smart" Trash Can | Arduino Tutorial

In this project, I will teach you how to make a somewhat smart trash can using the Arduino!

Remote Control a Servo using Netduino and Xamarin!

Get familiar with Maple, a RESTful web server running on network capable Netduinos and control a servo remotely with a Xamarin app!

Kim Uno - A 6502 Kim-1 Computer On Arduino

Replicate the 1976 KIM-1 computer on an Arduino. Pocket-sized 6502 coding! Use serial port, or add small PCB to make a stand-alone device.

Windows 98 Wrist watch

Everyone's favourite Operating System. On your wrist!

Make Your Bbc Micro:bit Talk Using Micropython

Today, I am going to show you how to make your Micro:bit talk using a very easy programming language called MicroPython.

Easy Countdown With Buzzer

How to make an easy and adaptable countdown.

Smoke And Gas Detection Using Mq-2 Sensor And Piezo Buzzer

This sensor is used to monitor gas leakage in your home or work place, and it beeps the buzzer whenever leakage is detected.

Connect Jetbrains Pycharm To Raspberry Pi

Let's be honest, this is the 21st century. We use IDEs for almost everything. I'll explain how to hook PyCharm up to the Raspberry Pi.

Arduino Based Security System

Do you want to build an easy security system? Well this is the perfect tutorial for you!

Netduino Pulse-Width-Modulation LED Project

Try Netduino.Foundation, a powerful platform to build connected things quickly and easily with the.NetMicroFramework and Netduino.

Reading Acceleration Sensor With Zerynth

In this tutorial we'll see how to read data from an acceleration sensor using Zerynth.

Get Data From Weather Sensor Using Python On Microcontroller

In this tutorial we'll see how to read temperaure and humidity data from a weather sensor using Zerynth.