Remote Control An Rgb Led Via Netduino And Xamarin!

Get familiar with Maple, a RESTful web server running on network capable Netduinos and control a rainbow LED remotely with a Xamarin app!

Mouser Football Scoreboard

This easy to build, Arduino powered, football scoreboard provides you with a fantastic way to keep track of the score of your favourite team.

Automatic Hotspot For Your Raspberry Pi Using Iot Bit

For this instructable, we will set up an automatic hotspot using the Raspberry Pi and other minicomputers. Heres a list of the computers which are compatible: Raspberry Pi 1-2-3, Raspberry Pi Zero, Asus Tinkerboard Rock 64, Orange P Samsung Artiks Eagleye

IR Remote Hacking and Automation

Hello guys,From my childhood itself I was wondering about the TV remote controller and how does it work.This instructable tells the story how I managed to decode/hack an old remote controller and used it for home automation.This instructable contains different parts as follows: Decoding the remote. Application 1. Application 2. Application 3.

Setup Of Iot Bit On Your Mini Computers With Ubuntu Mate

Our intelligent HAT module provides your Raspberry Pi with mobile data, GPS positioning information and battery support. This is the perfect module for hackers, scientists, and creators as it gives your Pi powerful connectivity wherever you are.

Show Rainbow Colors With An Rgb Led And Netduino

Learn how you can control a RGB LED with Netduino. Foundation, a powerful platform to build connected things quickly and easily with NETMF.

Diy - Automatic Garage Light

In this tutorial, I am going to turn on and off the garage light using a PIR sensor and LDR.

Arduino-powered Robot Controlled With The Tactigon

We used The Tactigon to control an Arduino-powered robot via BLE. Moving The Tactigon as a 3D steering wheel is awesome!

Pir Sensor & Camera Room Security Email Alerts

Using a PIR sensor with a camera for the raspberry pi, you can create a room security system. The PIR sensor can detect motion and will then activate the camera to take a snapchat photo. The python code will then email the snapshot as an attachment to your own email address.

Building A Spectrum Analyzer For The Giant Gecko Series 1

A real-time embedded spectrum analyzer with a waterfall spectrogram display. The spectrum analyzer displays the most recently captured magnitude response, and the spectrogram provides a running history of the changes in frequency content over time.

3dcg Control Using Touchdesigner & 10 Dof Mems Imu Sensor

I controlled 3DCG object using TouchDesigner. The object moves according to the value of the sensor connected Arduino. By H0meMadeGarbage

Learning Servos With The Raspberry Pi And Adafruit Servohat

Tutorial on mastering servos on the raspberry pi the fun way.

How To Drive A Bi-directional Stepper Motor

How to drive a Nema17 bi-directional stepper motor with arduino uno, an a4988 driver, a potentiometer and two buttons

Udoo X86 Interactive Vintage Radio

In this step by step tutorial we’re going to see how to make an awesome interactive vintage radio using UDOO X86.

Coffee Machine Water Level Detection With Udoo Iot Cloud

A basic tutorial showing how to use the UDOO IOT CLOUD with UDOO NEO and a water sensor to detect when the coffee machine runs out of water.

Pir Sensor Tutorial - With Or Without Arduino

A tutorial explaining the working of a PIR sensor.

Motion Sensing Lights

If you're trying to save energy, one way is to turn the lights off in rooms when you're not using them. But what about the hallway if you're always going up and down the stairs? You want something that lights automatically.

Music Control In Your Car Using Puck.js

In this video I show you how to set up Puck.js to control your mobile phone's music playback by pressing it in different ways.