Diy Fume Extractor With Hepa & Carbon Filter

Build a DIY fume extractor with HEPA and carbon filters for cleaner air

Push Notification For Doorbells

Get push notification for your doorbell on your smartphone! Never again will you miss a ring on your wired doorbell, leaving your visitor waiting outside the door. See more on:

Automatic Battery Charger V2

A charger that will automatically charge your batteries

Kids Led Projector ✨

A Simple Machine for Kids to Bring Their Drawings to Life

The Musical Toilet Experience

Transformed a toilet into a musical experience with the Wii theme! It also has a 'mood', urging or discouraging use.

Automatic Flag Waver

I love waving flags but my wrists get tired, so I made an automatic flag waver.

Pigeon Scarecrow

A scarecrow designed to scare away pigeons

Turning A Broken Nintendo 64 Into A Raspberry Pi 4 Case!

I took a broken Nintendo 64 console and turned it into a new home for a Pi4. It features a full size HDMI port, an Ethernet port, easy access to the micro SD card slot and I even managed to reuse the original N64 power switch. But the heart of the project are the USB ports which replace the controller ports and fit very well.

Arduino Bicycle Speedometer Using Gps

A cool project for bike fans!

Pi Powered Restomod Wurlitzer 1015 Jukebox

As a pre-war Jukebox and a family heirloom I was in a peculiar spot. Have a jukebox with music I don't care for and will never use, or sell it for a digital jukebox with 1/100th the character and sentimental value. Pi provided a solution to combine the digital age with a piece of classic Americana

Christmas Cybertree Usb Arduino

Built with recycled elements, high brightness color LEDs and an RGB LED.

Cellular R.o.b With Blues Wireless!

The ability to control R.O.B. left with CRT televisions; until now! Blues Wireless breathes new life with remote instructions over cellular!

Zork On Esp32 With Vga, Ps2 And Sd

The 80's are back in text.....

Iot Based Advertisement Billboards/hordings

Epsilon Advertisements - It won't be a problem to find one digital hoarding in your area. Since the introduction of Digital Advertisements.

Monty - The Maker Faire Measuring Monster

We love going to Maker Faires, but 2020 has decided otherwise. So instead, we are building a suitable substitute called Monty, who will capt

The Interactive Storytelling Radio

In this project we convert a neat looking radio into a voice-enabled, interactive storyteller. Future, here we come!

Rocket Nightlight

Every well functioning adult needs a nightlight, and we're building one that's touch activated and space themed!

Build A Granular Synthesiser Using The Arduino

This project will teach you how to build the hardware for your own DIY synthesiser! The Auduino code (first written by Peter Knight) creates two triangle waves with adjustable frequency and decay, which combine to create noises via a granular synthesis. I added CV controls to the circuit, making it modular.