Pwm On Mikrobus Header Of Avr Iot Wg

Atmel Start only support PWM functionality for ERR (Red), DATA (Yellow) and CONN (green) of AVR iot WG board. Here we will learn to configure TCA timer in split mode to enable PWM on mikroBUS header of this board.

Easy Ina219 Interfacing With Avr Iot Wg

The INA219B breakout board can measure both the high side voltage and DC current draw over I2C with 1% precision and help in solving the power-monitoring problems.


Design and implement a system to request data to a device via TCPIP using AVR-IoT WG developmentr board from Microchip

Terminator Glasses

Adding a moving red eye to the iconic Terminator Glasses.

Tinned Heisenberg Principle

Trying to simulate the Heisenberg Principle in a mint tin.

Blockl@rduino Aio 'all In One'

Drag'n'drop graphical programming portable software for Windows + uploading + supervision.


Modern Single Board Z180 Computer

Getting Started With The Smartcar Platform

A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.

The Scorpion | Star Trek Inspired robotics

An Elegoo Robot Car Kit V3 with some additional Raspberry Pi tech and TensorFlow image recognition.

Arduino Based Coin Sorting And Counting Machine

This Arduino powered machine separates coins of different dominations and then tallies up their total value. This is shown on an 8 digit 7 segment display. It is a coin sorter / coin counter machine! Reflected infrared sensors (TCRT5000s) are used to detect the coins.

Arduino Robot Arm Follow Your Movement

We wanted to use The Tactigon ONE and T-Skin to move a robotic arm and have it follow our movements, like a shadow

Holo Cube

A holographic cube that can display an object and be able to rotate it using hand gestures.

Exhibit: The Primal Display

This very simple protip connects an LCD to a Raspberry Pi to display any data you need, like readings from a temperature sensor.

Tca9548a I2c Multiplexer Module - With Arduino And Nodemcu

Did you ever get into a situation where you had to wire up two, three or more I2C Sensors to your Arduino just to realize that the sensors have a fixed or same I2C address. Moreover, you cannot have two devices with the same address on the same SDA/SCL pins!

Merge: The Dyson Link

Do you have a Dyson Pure Link device and a weather station? Do you want to merge their functionality or just get Dyson readings? Here we go!

Vox: The Google Assistant

Are you interested in learning Google Assistant API? Do not know where to start? Assemble It Yourself (AIY) Google Voice kit is an answer!

Nest Your Old Thermostat Under $5

Make your old thermostat smart again with this $5 device!

Cyberpunk 3d-printed Fabric Light-up Corset

3D-printed spikes on fabric and using a Circuit Playground that reacts with movement to light up NeoPixels.