Use Arduino To Control Max 8: Receive Data From 16+ Sensors

Max is a visual programming language that is a little easier to get your head around for prototyping projects. Being able to use an Arduino to control it unlocks all sorts of new project possibilities!

Iot Based Gesture Controlled Robot Using Blynk App

Making gesture-controlled robots using an accelerometer sensor like Adxl 335 is old tech. To control it require sensors and MCU and RF transmitter to be placed on the hand. On the other side, RF receiver MCU and other components are required. In our project, I have used the android Accelerometer sensor to control the movements

Monty - The Maker Faire Measuring Monster

We love going to Maker Faires, but 2020 has decided otherwise. So instead, we are building a suitable substitute called Monty, who will capt

Diy - Ir Module

In this tutorial, we are going to talk about "IR sensors" or Infrared sensors, how they work and how to build a "DIY IR Sensor Module".

Rfid Based Attendance System

RFID based attendance system consists of RFID Reader, RFID Tag, LCD display and microcontroller unit. RFID can be interfaced to microcontroller through USART. Data is transferred from RFID cards to reader and from there to microcontroller.

Touchless Musical Hand Wash Timer

Touchless hand wash timer that shows a countdown clock & also plays a rotating selection of 20-second jingles. Add your own jingle easily!

Understanding Of Electronic Component 01 : Arduino Uno

Discovery of Arduino lead to understanding in electronic component and even build super cool project! Arduino: Arduino IDE:

Micron Uv Robotic Arm

An autonomous UV Robotic Arm handles cleaning, sanitizing surfaces in any environment.

No Escape Sanitizer

This sanitizer puts restriction for people to enter inside the door. #shops #atm #gates #letterbox

Color Follow Robot With Pixy2 Cam

This robot follows the color with Pixy2 Camera.

Azure Iot Farming

Azure Sphere Kit controls the water supply and lights in farming field via cloud central IoT application.

Smart Walking Stick

This walking stick can control the home appliance with the help of IoT networks.

Imx-rt Drum Pad

This is simple Drum Pad built with Cap-sense touch and IMX-RT.

Proximity Water Bottle

Proximity Water Bottle lights up itself when you search for it.

Diy - Relay Module

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make a simple relay module that can be used in any project.

Covid Free Contactless Cordless Bell Using Arduino And Rf

This project is an attempt to make a simple touchless cordless bell, without spending a lot from your pocket.

How To Make A Dancing Robot Without Arduino/#smartcreativity

This robot is able to dance, auto balancing, music producing and walking.

Mqtt On Wio Terminal

MQTT Pub/Sub on Wio Terminal.