Change Random Colors Neopixel Shield Adafruit & Arduino

How to use Adafruit NeoPixel Shield for Arduino - 40 RGB LED Pixel Matrix by randomly changing each Pixels color. Watch the Video!

Display Text On Adafruit Neopixel Shield For Arduino

In this tutorial you will see how to display a text on the Adafruit NeoPixel Shield for Arduino - 40 RGB LED Pixel Matrix

Simple Rgb Desktoclock Using Attiny85

RGB Desktop clock using ATtiny85 and neopixel

Police Car Led Effect Using 555 Timer Ic

In this tutorial I am going to create a Police Light themed LED Flashing circuit using the 555 timer IC.

Adjustable Single/dual Led Flasher Using 555 Timer Ic

In this tutorial, I'll first blink "an LED" using the positive pulse generated by a "DIY 555 Pulse Generator Module", followed by "two LEDs" alternating and flashing at a regular interval.

Smart Shipment With Tinyml

Developing a TinyML solution for the Shipping Industry that allows users to track the status of a shipment/package in real time.

Sci-fi 3d Printed Mask With Transparent Display

A Sci-Fi 3D Printed Winter Soldier Mask With Transparent Display.

Predicting The F1 Champion With Tinyml

Collecting and analyzing data to predict which F1 car will finish the race first.

Blues, Where's My Car?

Sound the (silent) alarm: anti-theft alerting & asset recovery with a Blues Wireless Notecard.

Low Code Gps Asset Tracker And Map Display

Build a GPS-enabled tracker with just a few lines of code to a Blues Wireless Notecarrier, and visualize it with IoT platform Datacake.

Rgb Ledcube Using Neopixel Leds And Pcb

let's build an RGB LED CUBE using NEOPIXELS and PCB

Esp32 Desktop Clock/weather Display

This ESP32 internet of things desktop clock is a project created for my home. Summer is on the way and every morning my kids ask me what they should wear. This project lets me know as soon as I wakeup what the weather will be.

Freeform Esp32 Ios Notification Display

A freeform desktop display for incoming iOS notifications. Utilizes female headers so that components can be reused and ESP-IDF FreeRTOS with Arduino to manage incoming BLE Notifications, display text, and backlight with timeout.

Arduino Mkr 1400 Gsm Connecting To Mqtt Alibaba Cloud

This project to show how MKR 1400 GSM could be connected to Alibaba IoT Platform

Oled Countdown Timer With Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to build a simple Countdown timer using an OLED Display & Arduino.

Maker Your Own Professional Bench Power Supply

Maker Your Own Professional Bench Power Supply Using A Old Computer PSU

Oled Battery Level Indicator Using Arduino

In this Tutorial we are going to make a Battery Level Indicator using OLED Display.

Ledarcade Arcade Retro Clock

A dazzling retro arcade game inspired digital clock