Open Source Flipper Zero, Thread, Matter, and Zigbee on ESP32, Arduino go Zephyr, and more!
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10 Best Arduino Projects
The Arduino is a programmable circuit board, or microcontroller. It's open-source, and may be used for a variety of neat maker projects. Notably, it differs from single-board computers (SBCs) such as the Raspberry Pi in that the Arduino focuses on interfacing with software which interacts with the physical board. As such, Arduino projects are more maker-oriented, whereas SBC projects range from basic Linux desktops and retro gaming machines to advanced robotics. Nevertheless, there are loads of Arduino projects which you can make. Check out the 10 best Arduino projects!
Arduino-powered Active-tracking Solar Panel
Solar panels are more common these days, whether arranged in fields as collection arrays, on the roof of homes, or as part of your camping or festival gear to keep mobile devices topped up.
Don’t Get Caught Out By Rain with this Arduino-Powered, Water Detecting Umbrella!
We’ve all been there. You’re out and about, on a sunny day, when all of a sudden the clouds gather and it starts to rain. It’s not a light shower, either, but that apocalyptic type of rain storm that looks like all the rain in the world is going to fall before it stops.
Can a Raspberry Pi Help Protect Coral Reefs?
We’ve seen the Raspberry employed in countless unique ways since the little computer arrived, but did you ever imagine that it could help to save marine life?
EXCLUSIVE : Arduino Announces the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev 2 and MKR VIDOR 4000
The biggest news was a new MKR format board, the VIDOR 4000. A board that can quite literally be anything you want it to be thanks to an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) that can be instructed to behave like many different processors.
A Raspberry Pi-Based NOAA Decoder That Tweets Satellite Photos!
Our experience of the weather is traditionally passive; we have little choice other than to accept what happens in the atmosphere above. It might rain; it might be windy; sunshine might be slight, or enough to convince you to go to the beach.
Raspberry Shake: A Pi-Powered Earthquake Detector
It’s always great to see a successful Kickstarter project, but let’s hope the Earth didn’t move too much for the Raspberry Shake team, whose earthquake detector is now available to purchase.
Track the ISS with a Raspberry Pi!
Since the first module was launched in 1998, the location of the International Space Station (ISS) continues to fascinate. Stepping outside on an evening to watch its movement across the night sky imbues a sense of pride in humankind’s achievements ... but it’s not always possible to see the structure.