A smart portable power solution for your Raspberry Pi

A smart portable power solution for your Raspberry Pi

After an unfortunate two-year delay following its wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, the PiJuice has finally arrived. As the name suggests, it’s all about supplying power (juice) to the Raspberry Pi so you can set it free from the mains to use in projects in the great outdoors.
What is the Onion Omega 2+ and what can I do with it?

What is the Onion Omega 2+ and what can I do with it?

It seems that single board computers need fruit/vegetable based names, and an enigmatic word usually helps (Pi, Omega, Nano) too!
Libre Computer Project AML-S905X-CC “Le Potato” Review

Libre Computer Project AML-S905X-CC “Le Potato” Review

Another day, another single board computer (SBC) hits the market, but this one from Libre Computer Project hopes to be a more powerful “drop-in replacement” for the Raspberry Pi. But does it meet the high standard of the Raspberry Pi? Well, let's find out.
An introduction to Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

An introduction to Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

The Internet of Things (IoT), those words will either fill you with hope or leave you in fear! But the IoT is here and many devices now communicate their information using a myriad of protocols.
Introduction to the ATtiny85 - What is the ATtiny85?

Introduction to the ATtiny85 - What is the ATtiny85?

The ATtiny85 is a microcontroller in a similar vein to the Arduino, but with much less IO pins, smaller memory and a smaller form factor.
ASUS Tinkerboard - What can you do with it?

ASUS Tinkerboard - What can you do with it?

In the UK the ASUS Tinkerboard had a somewhat chaotic first month of release. Launching in late February 2017 the Tinkerboard is ASUS’ answer to the dominance of the Raspberry Pi in the Single Board Computer (SBC) market. Boasting more RAM, a faster processor and Gigabit Ethernet, the ASUS Tinkerboard is an overpowered SBC that matched the Raspberry Pi form factor and came with its own version of the GPIO (General Purpose Input Output).
What makes CHIP different to the Pi Zero W?

What makes CHIP different to the Pi Zero W?

CHIP is something a little different to the Raspberry Pi Zero, in fact, it was announced before the Pi Zero, via a crowdfunding campaign.