Old Macdonald Had A Farm, And Became A Safer Driver

Driver ID, location/velocity data, seatbelt, aggressive driving and alcohol detection for Fatal Accident Risk Mitigation (FARM) in vehicles.

Diy Power Delivery Trigger

let's build a PD trigger

Pipeline Clog Detection With A Flowmeter And Tinyml

Measure the flow rate through a pipe and use machine learning to determine if a clog has formed.

Fresh Donuts - A Custom Led Twitch Sign W Capacitive Touch

This sign lights up when the stream goes live, allows for control via capacitive touch, and listens for commands in Twitch chat.

Ai Thermal Camera For Safe Camping (seeed+helium+aws) (v2)

TinyML model running Wio Terminal can identify if animal or human is approaching even in the dark, sends data to Helium LoRa network to AWS.

Single Channel Lora Gateway Using Wio E5 Lora And Blynk

Single channel LoRaWAN gateway using Seeed studio Wio-E5 Module, ESP8266, And Blynk.

Iot Ai-driven Yogurt Processing & Texture Prediction | Blynk

Collect environmental factors and culture amount while producing yogurt. Then, run a neural network model via Blynk to predict its texture.

Valentines Day Romance Bot

What's more romantic than having a robot pour wine for you? Lots of things? Fair enough, it's still kind of fun all the same.

Build Diy Soil Moisture Meter Using Arduino Nano

One easy way to monitor the moisture in your soil is to build a DIY Soil Moisture Meter using an Arduino Nano. With this project, you can ea

Flex Controlled Air Powered Gripper

A silicone air powered gripper controlled with a flex sensor glove.

Arduino Back To Work Reminder

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a work reminder using the Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.

Long Range Controlled Holiday Lighting System Using Nrf21540

This holiday lighting system let users illuminate and control it remotely from far away with a button click.

Harsh Weather Monitoring Using Arduino Mkr 1300 With Hammond

Harsh Weather Monitoring Using Arduino MKR 1300 and Blynk

Arduino Stepper Motor 28byj-48 Control Speed And Direction

In this tutorial we will learn how to move a stepper motor, change the speed with the potentiometer and change the direction using a button.

Weather Lamp

Weather Lamp A IoT based 3D Printed Weather Simulating Lamp

Predictive Maintenance With Blues Notecard And Wio Terminal

Will guide you to build a cellular based predictive maintenance monitoring device with Blues Notecard, Edge Impulse, Qubitro & Wio Terminal.

How to Make a Neopixel Rainbow Clock

let's build a beautiful desktop clock using Arduino and neopixel

How To Save Sensor Data Temp & Time To Sd Card Using Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to save Temperature, Humidity Data from the Dht11 sensor & Date Time to the SD card.