Tiny Gaming Mouse

DIY gaming mouse using a PMW3389 and 32u4

Rpi Pico Controlled Matrix Display - Hub75 Style

The project is a Raspberry Pi Pico shield for RGB LED matrix displays using the HUB75 interface. The RPi Pico is controlled by Micro Python code, one use case is a YouTube subscriber button inclding sound

Green Box: Remotely Controllable Power Consumption

Green Box: Manage & monitor your energy use remotely! Plug in, access, and save power. Eco-friendly control at your fingertips.

Adjustable Voltage Power Supply

Adjustable voltage power supply with voltage and current control.

Ic 555-based Pcb Snowflake

Winter is here, and the most interesting thing in winter is Christmas. As a PCB designer, I build a blinking PCB snowflake

Learning Board - Embedded Controller

It is a general purpose LEARNING BOARD similar to arduino microcontroller. I have designed it using ATMEGA328P IC. Using this board we can interface analog and digital sensors and used for multiple applications. Moreover, in addition with functions of arduino microcontroller Motor driver, Bluetooth, sensor ports are separately

Learning Board (embedded Controller)

It is a general purpose LEARNING BOARD similar to arduino microcontroller, but more features than Arduino microcontroller. I have designed it using ATMEGA328P IC.Moreover, in addition with functions of arduino microcontroller Motor driver, Bluetooth, relay ports are separately given in the board.

Iot Based Smart Shopping Cart Using Rfid Reader

I have developed a lot based smart shopping cart using RFID reader.In this project, I used nodemcu esp8266 microcontroller,LCD display,em-18 reader module, and Arduino IDE. When people go shopping they have to wait in a queue for the billing process. This solution allows people can make a bill for their purchases by themselves.

The Smallest Tux Badge That Runs Linux

Linux is used almost everywhere. This tux badge is not only the size of a pin but can also run Linux.

How To Setup A Smart Daq To Upload Live Data To A Repository

This project was for prototyping smart DAQ devices able to do data measurements at a research laboratory and do automatic experimental data upload to a repository at Harvard University 's dataverse

Power Punch

Now, handling your Battery is Hassle-free and reliable. So, instead of punching the papers, let's punch the Power to our custom projects.

Guitar Shaped Audio Pcb Amplifier

I decided to build one and I wanted my amplifier to be much more unique than the existing models. So I made a guitar-shaped amplifier PCB.

Fall Detection System With Edge Impulse And Blues Wireless

An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network

Iron Man Walkie-talkie (two-way Radio) For Texting W/ Lora

Via RYLR998 LoRa module and Arduino Nano, create a two-way radio (transceiver) w/ a 4x4 keypad to transmit and receive text messages.

Rob_inp_les Semi-croustillants

Une carte de puissance est ajoutée pour optimiser la répartition des ressources du véhicule. Un laser monté sur un support imprimé en 3D sera utilisé pour le challenge d'évitement d'obstacle.


We build our own differentially driven NXP-Cup platform based on a 3D-printed chassis. We also developed our own control electronics around the FRDM-KL25z board.

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi Pico

Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico and OLED Display