Esp32 Desktop Clock/weather Display

This ESP32 internet of things desktop clock is a project created for my home. Summer is on the way and every morning my kids ask me what they should wear. This project lets me know as soon as I wakeup what the weather will be.

Make Your Own 8*8 Led Matrix

let's build a custom Arduino compatible 8*8 led matrix

Turning A Broken Nintendo 64 Into A Raspberry Pi 4 Case!

I took a broken Nintendo 64 console and turned it into a new home for a Pi4. It features a full size HDMI port, an Ethernet port, easy access to the micro SD card slot and I even managed to reuse the original N64 power switch. But the heart of the project are the USB ports which replace the controller ports and fit very well.

Automotive Industry Application 1:openncc Gmsl2

A raw data capturing system supporting Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link™ (GMSL) serializer and deserializers (SerDes) compatible with Sony IMX490 CMOS image sensor and Sony IMX728 CMOS image sensor.

Iron Man Walkie-talkie (two-way Radio) For Texting W/ Lora

Via RYLR998 LoRa module and Arduino Nano, create a two-way radio (transceiver) w/ a 4x4 keypad to transmit and receive text messages.


OpenCat is the open-source Arduino and Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robotic pet framework developed by Petoi, the maker of Boston Dynamics-style futuristic programmable robot dogs, robot cats and robot pets for STEM education and AI-enhanced services.

Play Atari 2600 Tennis With A Real Racket

Hi, This is a cool project that enables you to play the Atari 2600 tennis using a real racket. Yes , yes , a real one ! (no joystick) The project was done using Python and OpenCV. This project can be run both : on Windows with emulator , and on original Atari 2600 console using Raspberry Pi Pretty cool Enjoy Eran


AI-powered autonomous checkout system for retail stores.

Arduino Chocolate Candy Toy Vending Machine

Chocolate candy Toy Vending Machine made using Arduino Technology. There is a phone device connected to the machine to control the machine. Once the candy is selected and the payment is done the candy will fall out to the container where the user can receive it. The machine cover is built our of building blockes.

Make Diy Homework Writing Machine At Home

Drawing Robot/Pen Plotter/Drawing Machine is an Open Hardware version of the famous machine AxiDraw which it is a pen plotter, capable of wr

Lora Soil Moisture Sensor V3

In the past few months, we made a big upgrade for the new version of Lora soil moisture. In this article, we will introduce the great improvements on Makerfabs Lora Soil Moisture sensor V3.

Raspberry Pi Force Gauge and Weight Scale Using Hexabitz

Learn how to build a digital weight scale and force gauge with load cell sensor (H26R0x) and Raspberry Pi.

The Complete Lo-fi Planets

A lo-fi presentation of all seven movements of Holst's Planets Suite using 8-bit microcontrollers.

How To Make Diy Smartphones Controlled Self Balancing Robot

Hello Guys Whats up, In this instructable, i'll show you How to Make DIY Smartphones Controlled Self Balancing Robot. It's very interesting


A smart humidifier that fills itself up... It's also Charizard!

Cutsie Whun & Visuino: Finding Your R.o.c (rate Of Change)

Cutsie Whun is a tough and fast, RC-controlled, 2-wheeled balancing fun machine.

Cutsie Whun And Visuino -- Setting Your Gyro C.o.b.

Cutsie Whun is a tough and fast RC-controlled, 2-wheeled balancing fun machine developed using Visuino.

Hal 9000 Talking 3d Replica

3D printed push button talking movie prop replica from 2001: A Space Odyssey.