3d Printer Clog Detector

I designed this small device to be able to alert me in the unfortunate event the nozzle clogs.

Garage Roller Shutter Shelly Cloud Automated

electric motor automation for a metal shutter with a Shelly.cloud 2.5 device

Iot Plant Watering System Using Particle Photon & Servo Moto

Let's build an IoT Plant Watering system for your household plant using a low cost Particle Photon and a servo motor

How To Build A Smart Door

A door, just smarter. Retrofit "smarts" into the traditional entrance and never leave your door unlocked again!

Hacking Qualcomm With Just A Few Resistors

Following Shahariar Hossain's project on hacking qualcomm with a ATtiny85, I took his advice to just try it with resistors.

How To Build A Giant Hidden Shelf Edge Clock

A giant digital LED clock discreetly hidden in the edges of a geometric shelving system. Includes intergarted LED downlighters to show off your favorite items on the shelves. A discreet photoresistor dims the LED's when the ambient light levels drop and colours can be customised in the code.

Mosquitto Mqtt Broker On Raspberry Pi 3

There are many blogs, articles and instructions on the Internet on how to get the Mosquitto MQTT or similar one installed on Raspberry Pi, but for few ones, these instructions do no work! We tried to find out the common mistakes and issues and create instructions for you to do in just few steps. So here it goes…


Effect change in your surroundings by wearing these AI-enabled glasses. ShAIdes is a transparent UI for the real world.

A Much Smarter Light Switch

What if you could do much more than just toggle your lights with this switch. N+1 principle in action!

Grove Sensor Test Box

If you are using Grove Sensors quite often then you need a Grove Sensor Test Box to quickly test your sensors before using in your projects!

Electricity (current) Sensor

Build your own Smart Electricity sensor to detect the AC current in just 5 minutes.

Wemos Esp32 With Oled Display Using Micropython

How to use the Wemos Lolin32 ESP32 Oled with MicroPython

Arduino Macro Board W/ Mechanical Switches

This Macro Board is designed to be used, and customised to have as many uses as you can think of. The premise is that each key can be programmed to do whatever you like to make media controllers, gaming boards, designing software shortcuts and the list goes on. This project was really fun to make and a great project.

Blink A Led With Esp32 And Micropython

Learn some basics of MicroPython by blinking an LED. Learn how to upload MicroPyhon to your ESP32 and where to seek help

Arduino Rfid Based Door Lock

The RFID Door Lock is the lock that can be installed simply at your home and allows to easily lock and unlock doors.

Power Dashboard With Pc Controls

Control your PC and monitor the power consumption of the connected device. I used a NETIO cable to power up my PSU (a similar effect can be achieved with Sonoff POW R2) to take over the control and measurements.

Birthday Surprise With Arduino

By using this EVIVE STARTER KIT I am going to give a small surprise to my partner on her birthday.

Diy - Arduino Based Parking Assistant V2

In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the car's distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue, yellow and red LEDs. The color of LEDs indicates whether to keep moving, slow down, stop or go back.