Ai Powered Bull**** Detector

The one device we all need, an AI Powered Bull**** Detector!

Currus Futuristicus

We are participating in the NXP Cup, it’s a competition where we build and program an autonomous robotic car. We want to demonstrate that anybody with determination can learn to code, with the majority of the team having never coded before. We would like your support to demonstrate that anybody can do it.

Gesture Controller Gauntlet

This project will create a smart gesture-based interface that allows the user to control the PC for various functions.

Chatbot 8

This is the chatbot I have been developing for a while now - used in my Raspbinator and Nvidianator projects.

Making Art By Judging Reddit

Is the Raspberry Pi 4 powerful enough to judge Reddit? This project is all about answering the important questions.

The Nvidianator

The sequel to my Raspbinator Terminator Skull project.

Historic Voicebot

Have a chat with your favourite person from the past with the Historic Voicebot!

Personal English Trainer - Ai Voice Assistant

This project will help the students who are preparing for any linguistic exam, where they can be trained by interacting with Snips AI.

Barbara: The Talking Ai Camera

A retro camera captioning every picture.

Smart Mirror ( A Server For Iot Devices)

IOT plays an important role in upcoming years. So why your home should be an ordinary house , lets make it most advanced smart home with all features builtin. It is basically an server for integrating all smart home appliances to work with each other from providing security till integrety.

Autonomous Rover - Google Vision Aiy Kit On Wheels

Hack an Arduino toy car and turn it into autonomous rover searching for (and chasing) the human faces with Google Vision AIY Kit.

Cloud Connected Traffic Control System For Smarter Cities

Who likes traffic? NO ONE! Time to do something about it! Bidirectional communication with every intersection and Azure cloud A.I. FTW!

The Scorpion | Star Trek Inspired robotics

An Elegoo Robot Car Kit V3 with some additional Raspberry Pi tech and TensorFlow image recognition.

Wireless Vcr Controlled Over The Internet

Video surveillance has always been a hot topic and implementing ways to keep an eye on things remotely doesn't have to be difficult.

Transfer Learning Model On Google Aiy Vision Kit

Collect training data with Google AIY Vision Kit, build Hand Gesture Classifier via transfer learning, and deploy it on Google Vision AIY.

Kim Uno - A 6502 Kim-1 Computer On Arduino

Replicate the 1976 KIM-1 computer on an Arduino. Pocket-sized 6502 coding! Use serial port, or add small PCB to make a stand-alone device.

Connect Jetbrains Pycharm To Raspberry Pi

Let's be honest, this is the 21st century. We use IDEs for almost everything. I'll explain how to hook PyCharm up to the Raspberry Pi.

World's Smartest Home - Blockchain Chores & Kids Crypto

Jarvis Farley is a home automation system I created to manage our kid's chores and allowance using blockchain. It also does 99 other things.