Gopro Camera Bluetooth Remote

Making own Bluetooth remote for GoPro Hero 6/7/8

Happy Birthday Song With Arduino Uno

I will show you how to connect speaker with arduino board and Happy Birthday with arduino code

Build Your Own Smart Mirror Touchscreen (with Faceid)

Introducing Smart Mirror AI (SMAI). Build your own Touch Screen Smart Mirror (with face recognition) that you can interact with. Control your favorite music on Spotify, view the latest news. You could even keep track of your latest stocks. Find out how to build this using a Raspberry Pi 4.

Arduino Capacitance Meter

We have a cost-effective capacitance meter to measure capacitance using Arduino.

Temperature Measuring Automatic & Voice Inform

Currently, the whole world is struggling with the Covid19 virus. This project measures body temperature to detect infected people. When a high temperature is recorded the person is alerted by a voice.

3d Printer Clog Detector

I designed this small device to be able to alert me in the unfortunate event the nozzle clogs.

Notepad++ Arduino Cli Plugin

Ever wanted to be able to upload your code directly from Notepad++?

Log Essential Features Affecting Plants Using Raspberry-pi

Collect the moisture content, temperature, light intensity from the garden and send it automatically to concerned mail.

Grumpy Tv

A television that tells you off whenever you look at it. The future is now!

Security System With Motion Detection

The system is designed to detect intrusion (unauthorized entry) into a building or other area.

Raspberry Pi Zero Cluster Computing Fun

Create a Pi Cluster w/ Raspberry Pi Zeros & MPI. Learn about parallel computing and find all primes below 100 million in 24 seconds!

Micro Servo Robotic Arm

This project is a mini servo arm/claw controlled by a connected 4 potentiometers with an AtTiny84 Microcontroller. Initially, however, it was prototyped with an arduino.

Iot Plant Watering System Using Particle Photon & Servo Moto

Let's build an IoT Plant Watering system for your household plant using a low cost Particle Photon and a servo motor

How To Build A Smart Door

A door, just smarter. Retrofit "smarts" into the traditional entrance and never leave your door unlocked again!

Doom Eternal On Gameboy color

Using my Raspberry Pi GBC to play Doom Eternal!

Micropython Program: Update The Covid-19 Data In Real Time

In the past few weeks, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID 19) worldwide has exceeded 100,000, I'm anxious about this outbreak, so I had to go online every day to check the latest outbreak data, it was inconvenient, then I made a project to use MakePython ESP32 to get the latest data in real-time.

Monty Python's Argument Bot

In need of a good argument? Try the argument bot! A robot based on Monty Python's Flying Circus argument sketch.