Tiny Ml For Big Hearts On An 8-bit Microcontroller

Predict the possibility of arrhythmias on an 8- bit Microcontroller, without sending the corresponding sensor data to the cloud.

Tinyml Monitoring Air Quality On 8-bit Microcontroller

Learn how to create a TinyML model and run it on MCU to detect chemical gases

Clisensio - Climate Sensing And Insect Infestation Control

SensiML Sensing and Control device to protect farmlands from future insects outbreaks and vector-borne diseases due to climate change.

Mouse Fatigue Estimation By Gsr And Emg Values W/ Tensorflow

Collate forearm muscle soreness data on the SD card, build and train a neural network model, and run the model directly on Wio Terminal.


Open-source Spirometry for ALL.

O3-enabled Ble Weather Station Predicting Air Quality W/ Tf

Via Nano 33 BLE, collate local weather data, build and train a TensorFlow neural network model, and run the model to predict air quality.

The B&nd

Monitoring your vitality on the go with BLE5.0, AI & a bunch of cool sensors..

Jaimico: The New I-health Care Companion Robot

Jaimico... Acompanion robot based on M5Core2-AWS, AWS-IoT-Core, AWS and Alexa

Arduino Sgp30 Air Quality Sensor Voc And Eco2 Gas Sensor

In This tutorial we will learn how to use the SGP30 Air Quality Sensor to Display TVOC, ,CO2, Hydrogen and Ethanol on the OLED Display..

Disinfectant Bot

Have you ever wanted to be cleaned after a cough. Well let me intrduce the Disinfectant Bot.

Tuya Iot Cloud Smart Weather Lamp

Have your own weather-based colour changing lamp with Tuya cloud API

Close-it Automatic Robotic Mask

A mask that moves up/down automatically would be a dream to many but to me it is reality😎! Using only hand-gestures and no touch, spreading of germs becomes a 19th Century game! Scroll Down To See The Video/Demo. https://youtu.be/Uo7yM-lhzXI

Medbot+ Automated Timely Medicine Delivery Robot

MedBot+ is an automated and timely medicine delivery robot. This robot will start at the designated time from parking, will go the kitchen, ask for water, go to my Grandfather, tells which medicines are to be taken, waits for him to finish, goes back to parking spot, starts at next shift. https://youtu.be/qvTGYGcrcd4

Arduino Bicycle Speedometer Using Gps

A cool project for bike fans!

Arduino Mosquito Repellent

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple mosquito repellent using arduino and a piezo buzzer.

Arduino Handheld Fan With Capacitive Touch Switch.

In this tutorial we will learn how to Turn Hendheld battery fan ON and OFF using capacitive touch sensor, reley module and Visuino.

Smart Hypothermia Sensor And Body Warmer

Each year there are many casualties in high altitude rescue caused due to hypothermia. To solve this problem, I want to develop a wearable device for hypothermia detection and body warmer.

Digital Back

The main issue this project will try to address is to improve our sitting habits. The Idea behind the project is to equip the back of your chair with a number of range sensors and measure your sitting position. A user will be notified by a small vibration motor about invalid sitting postion.