Iot Plant Monitoring With Live Dashboard And Display Lcd
About the project
It is a system made using ESP32 for monitoring the various factors required for plants to grow. It provides a live IOT dashboard that can be
Project info
Difficulty: Moderate
Platforms: Arduino, SparkFun, Espressif
Estimated time: 2 days
License: MIT license (MIT)
Items used in this project
Hardware components
Most plant monitoring systems are only able to be monitored in local area networks as accessing the system from outside the local network becomes costly or difficult. I decided to make such a plant monitoring system but with the added ability to access the various values FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
What it doesIt can monitor my garden statistics in a very detailed graphical format from anywhere in the world. As I am the dashboard ADMIN, I can even make some changes in the dashboard and make some analysis. Even others can monitor the garden sensor values with just a simple link.
Setup Cayenne Dashboard for ESP32If you do not have an account on Cayenne, create an account from the following link:
In this project we are using ESP32 so select “Bring Your Own Thing” but if you are using Arduino or Raspberry Pi you may select the same as shown in the screenshot.
By clicking on "Bring Your own thing" we will get the MQTT username and password. Then name the device as ESP32, as shown in the screenshot.
Now open Arduino IDE and install the Cayenne MQTT library or download the library from Github by clicking on the following link:
Also, install ESP32 board package and select your ESP32 board from the Tools menu.
Circuit Connections
Connections for Nokia 5110 LCD with ESP32
RST <---> GPIO 2 (D2)
CE <---> GPIO 15 (D15)
DC <---> GPIO 4 (D4)
DIN <---> GPIO 23 (D23)
CLK <---> GPIO 18 (D18)
VCC <---> 3.3V
BL <---> 3.3V (through 220Ω Resistor)
GND <---> GND
ESP32 and LDR
Connect one leg of LDR with Pin D33
Connect second (free) leg with +3.3V of ESP32
ESP32 and MQ135 gas sensor
VCC <---> 3.3V
GND <---> GND
A0 <---> D32
ESP32 and DHT11 sensor
VCC <---> 3.3V
GND <---> GND
Signal <---> D27
ESP32 and Soil Moisture Sensor
VCC <---> D25
GND <---> GND
Signal <---> D35
Dashboard View
Dashboard View
Here's the link for my IOT Garden Dashboard -
- IT'S LIVE You can see 5 graphs each for sun light intensity, soil moisture, humidity, temperature and air quality. Anyone can access the link from anywhere.
VideoSchematics, diagrams and documents

A multidisciplinary engineering graduate with expertise in designing and building intelligent robotics systems. Profound knowledge in ROS, SLAM, Path Planning, Motion Planning and Computer Vision. Have a systematic approach towards research with experience in technical documentation aiming to carry out high impact research work.
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