Word Clock Mini Contest - Can you help Lewis with his code?

[UPDATE 3rd September 2018]


The Lonely Programmer has refactored the code and added a feature that changes the colour of the display to separate AM and PM. His code was tested on the clock and after a few minor tweaks, the code worked very well!

Jonathanrjpereira found a few errors in the code which he corrected and is currently working towards using Bluetooth as a way of setting the time and possibly programming an alarm. At the time of writing, he had only started and some changes will be required to the physical design, but we admire his ambitious idea and look forward to seeing what he builds in the future!

We also felt that Jolley71717 deserved some recognition for his ‘eagle-eyed’ duplicate code spot and general enthusiasm towards the project.

Well done guys! A swag bag will be on its way to you soon!


Renowned maker Lewis of DIY Machines has outdone himself yet again. This time with his new amazing word clock! We are calling on YOU...the Electromaker community to review his code and submit your suggestions and improvements. We will pick five of the best entries who will each win a swag bag full of Electromaker goodies!

To enter the contest, write and submit your own code for the Word Clock. Head over to Lewis's project page and submit your code improvements or suggestions in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Your submissions could include functionality to implement new features like accounting for nighttime dimming, using daylight savings time, or utilizing its RGB LED board for a rainbow effect. 

The awesome Arduino-based DIY word clock tells the time in full sentences by lighting up hidden words in a grid of random letters. At its core, there's an Adafruit Neomatrix. It also calls for a 330 Ohm resistor, real-time clock (RTC) and an Arduino Nano. Lewis has five neat swag bags to give away to a set of lucky winners. Along with his word clock, Lewis wrote some code to power it. However, Lewis humbly reveals, "I'm by no means a programmer." As such, he's put out a call for programmers to submit their own code. 

Word Clock Mini Contest: Submit Your Own Code!

Once you've made some tweaks to Lewis's code and sent it in, we'll review it and pick five lucky winners who will receive swag bags with a bevvy of Electromaker goodies. Be quick...the deadline is the end of this month (August 2018).

If you'd like to re-create Lewis's Arduino-powered word clock, check out his project page and video tutorial. It's pretty intuitive and functional. By opting for an Adafruit Neomatrix, this project eschews the need to solder anything. 

Even if you're not a programmer, you can easily cobble together this fantastic word clock using an Arduino, Neomatrix, and more. It's a fairly intuitive project with room for tweaks. You may also consider creating a simple Arduino digital clock without a RTC module, Raspberry Pi-powered weather station, or a do-it-yourself train light

Submit your code now for a chance to win, and stay tuned for more awesome projects on Electromaker.io!

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