Mr. Miffy Rgb Led Module

A battery-powered LED module that communicates over zigbee

Raspberry Pi Pico : Pentax K1000 Remote Shutter

I’ll be using the Raspberry Pi PICO and Arduino Nano to make a infrared remote shutter for an old film camera.


Measuring Distance using Ultrasonic Sensor and an Arduino compatible board

Motion Activated Door Thermometer

I designed this project at the peak of the COVID pandemic in order to check my temperature before leaving the house each day. I could imagine this project being adapted and implemented at bars, restaurants, or airports also.

Rcwl-0516 Doppler Radar Sensor Interfacing With Arduino

In this project, we are going to interface RCWL-0516 Doppler Radar Sensor with Arduino Nano.

Arduino Iot Cloud With Esp32

Sending temperature and humidity data from Magicbit (ESP32) to Arduino IOT Cloud.

Animated Jathaka Story

Jathaka Stories are previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form which tech some life lessons. In this project we have host a Facebook live and get users comments to command characters in the story using servo motors attached to Magicbit (ESP32)

Arduboy Home

Play Arduboy games on the big screen with the Arduboy Home game console.

Christmas Cybertree Usb Arduino

Built with recycled elements, high brightness color LEDs and an RGB LED.

Designing & Building An Ai Musical Device

The After Eight Step is an Arduino and Max powered 8 step sequencer with modern machine learning functionality. Using Markov Chains, it can generate musical accompaniment based on any sequence of notes!

Measure And Display The Ambient Temperature With Pmod Tc1

This project will show how to measure and display the ambient temperature using Pmod TC1 with Arduino Uno

Hands Writing Robot

Arduino, TM4C123GXL, Art-Pi

Touchless Multifunctional Bedside Lamp With Digital Clock

I am going to make a touchless multipurpose bedside lamp, which will also include a digital clock, two power-ports and a USB charger

Environment Monitoring Integrated With Iota

Precise sensing is an IoT monitoring system to collect and measure air temperature, humidity, and pressure by using a BME280 sensor, integrated with IOTA Tangle.

Ublox Neo-7 Gps Tracking System With Qubitro And Arduino Mkr

GPS tracking system based on Qubitro IoT Paltform

Program Arduino Wirelessly Over Bluetooth

In Arduino, we have to use the Bluetooth module to program it wirelessly

Animatronic Hand Controlled By Leap Motion

Control a robotic hand with a Leap Motion hand tracker, plus save hand animations to replay later.

Arduino Video Game With Vga Video Output

This is a simple SHOOTING GAME that can run on Arduino and output video on a VGA monitor